
Pablo Segarra Chias, 1945 | Genre painter

Spanish painter Pablo Segarra Chias was born in Seville, a city impoverished and devastated by the recent Spanish civil war, Pablo lived in the Macarena District in the heart of the city.
At the tender age of 7yrs Chias completed his first oil on canvas painting.
His father would let him use a chair, outside the local tavern, as an easel and it was from here he sold his first painting for 10p encouraging him to start and go on with painting as a more vocational commitment.



Wilfrid Gabriel de Glehn | Impressionist painter

Wilfrid Gabriel de Glehn (sometimes 'Wilfried') RA (1870-1951) was an Impressionist British painter, elected to the Royal Academy in 1932.


De Glehn's father was Alexander de Glehn of Sydenham, London. His mother was French.
Louise Creighton, a women's rights activist and author, and Alfred de Glehn, a French steam locomotive designer, were Alexander's sister and brother.



Leonardo da Vinci | Gradi di pittura

Trattato della Pittura - Parte seconda | Capitoli 217-234

217. Della verdura veduta in campagna.
218. Qual verdura parrà partecipare piú d'azzurro.
219. Qual è quella superficie che meno che le altre dimostra il suo vero colore.
220. Qual corpo ti mostrerà piú il suo vero colore.
221. Della chiarezza de' paesi.
222. Prospettiva comune, e della diminuzione de' colori in lunga distanza.
223. Delle cose specchiate nelle acque de' paesi, e prima dell'aria.
224. Diminuzione de' colori pel mezzo interposto infra loro e l'occhio.
225. De' campi che si convengono alle ombre ed ai lumi.
226. Come si deve riparare quando il bianco termina in bianco o l'oscuro in oscuro.



Charles Courtney Curran | Impressionist painter

Charles Courtney Curran (13 February 1861 – 9 November 1942) was an American painter. He is best known for his canvases depicting women in various settings


Curran was born in Hartford, Kentucky in February, 1861, where his father taught at the school. A few months later after the beginning of the Civil War, the family left there and returned to Ohio, eventually settling in Sandusky on the shores of Lake Erie where the elder Curran served as superintendent of schools.
Charles Curran showed an early interest and aptitude for art, and in 1881 went to Cincinnati to study at the McMicken School (later the Fine Arts Academy of Cincinnati). He stayed there only a year before going to New York to study at the National Academy of Design and the Art Students League. Many of the pictures he created during this period featured young attractive working-class women engaged in a variety of tasks.



Frederick William MacMonnies

Frederick William MacMonnies (1863-1937), was the best known expatriate American sculptor of the Beaux-Arts school, as successful and lauded in France as he was in the United States.
He was also a highly accomplished painter and portraitist.
He was born in Brooklyn Heights, Brooklyn, New York and died in New York City.
Three of MacMonnies' best-known sculptures are Nathan Hale, Bacchante and Infant Faun and Diana.

Pioneer Monument by Frederick William MacMonnies (detail)