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Leonardo da Vinci | Del massimo difetto de' pittori..

Trattato della Pittura - Parte seconda | Capitoli 79-105

79. Ordine del disegnare.
80. Del ritrarre di naturale.
81. Del ritrarre una qualunque cosa.
82. Come deve essere alto il lume da ritrarre di naturale.
83. Quali lumi si debbono eleggere per ritrarre le figure de' corpi.
84. Delle qualità del lume per ritrarre rilievi naturali o finti.
85. Del ritrarre i nudi.

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Leonardo da Vinci | Dell'imitare pittori

Trattato della Pittura - Parte seconda | Capitoli 54-78

54. Del giudizio del pittore.
55. Discorso de' precetti del pittore.
56. Precetto del pittore.
57. Precetti del pittore.
58. Dell'essere universale nelle sue opere.
59. Precetto.
60. Precetti del pittore.
61. Precetto intorno al disegno dello schizzare storie e figure.
62. Dell'operatore della pittura e suoi precetti.
63. Modo d'aumentare e destare l'ingegno a varie invenzioni.
64. Dello studiare insino quando ti desti, o innanzi tu ti dormenti nel letto allo scuro.

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Gabriel Mark Lipper | Figurative painter

Gabriel Mark Lipper: "I love to paint. I’ve been blessed by timing. To be alive right now for this chapter in arts history is a phenomenal gift. Classicism, once pronounced “dead” is reemerging with a new contemporary vitality. The gifts of modernism: color, form, and abstraction, are now being seamlessly integrated with the craftsmanship and techniques of the past".

Gabriel Lipper’s work addresses the growing schism between Self and Other. Many of his paintings appear plastic both in surface and in content.
His emphasis on technique and application of oil paint serve as a classical anchor for his otherwise often vacuous contemporary subjects.
This dualism is borne out of an obsession with craftsmanship and a visceral response to the cannibalistic decadence of the new millennium.

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Eugenè Burnand (1850-1921) | Naturalist painter

Eugène Burnand was a prolific Swiss painter and illustrator from Moudon, Switzerland.
Born of prosperous parents who taught him to appreciate art and the countryside, he first trained as an architect but quickly realised his vocation was painting.
He studied art in Geneva and Paris then settled in Versailles.
In the course of his life he travelled widely and lived at various times in Florence, Montpellier, Seppey (Moudon) and Neuchâtel.

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Claudio Bravo Camus | Hyperrealist painter

Claudio Bravo Camus (November 8, 1936 – June 4, 2011) was a Chilean hyperrealist painter.
He was greatly influenced by Renaissance and Baroque artists, as well as Surrealist painters such as Salvador Dalí.
He lived and worked in Tangier, Morocco, beginning in 1972. Bravo also lived in Chile, New York and Spain.
He was known mainly for his paintings of still lifes, portraits and packages, but he had also done drawings, lithographs, engraving and figural bronze sculptures.
Claudio Bravo Camus was born in Valparaíso, Chile.