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Wislawa Szymborska | Love at First Sight / Amore a prima vista

They’re both convinced
that a sudden passion joined them.
Such certainty is beautiful,
but uncertainty is more beautiful still.

Since they’d never met before, they’re sure
that there’d been nothing between them.
But what’s the word from the streets, staircases, hallways -
perhaps they’ve passed by each other a million times?

Ron Hicks | Tell me more

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Wassily Kandinsky | IV - La Piramide

Lo spirituale nell'arte, 1910

Così, lentamente molte arti si avviano a dire quello che hanno da dire, con i loro mezzi specifici.
E nonostante questa separazione, o grazie ad essa, le arti non sono state mai tanto unite come in quest'ultima fase della svolta spirituale.
In tutte si avverte la tendenza all'antinaturalismo, all'astrazione e all'interiorità. Consciamente o inconsciamente ubbidiscono al detto di Socrate: "Conosci te stesso!". Consciamente o inconsciamente, gli artisti si occupano sempre più del loro materiale, lo saggiano, pesano sulla bilancia spirituale il valore interiore degli elementi creativi.

Wassily Kandinsky | Unstable Compensation, 1930

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Giacomo Leopardi | Calm after the storm / La quiete dopo la tempesta, 1829

The storm hath passed;
I hear the birds rejoice; the hen,
Returned into the road again,
Her cheerful notes repeats. The sky serene
Is, in the west, upon the mountain seen:
The country smiles; bright runs the silver stream.

Giovanni Segantini | Dopo il temporale / After the thunderstorm

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Jane DeDecker, 1961 | Figurative sculptor

Jane DeDecker has been sculpting the human figure for over thirty-five years. She seeks to capture moments that reveal truths about the human condition, that, when stripped down to their essence, are understood intrinsically.
As a figurative sculptor, she communicates emotional experience through lyrical compositions that move the viewer.
DeDecker’s sculptures stop life in mid-sentence - somewhere between inhaling and exhaling - and gives it form. She tells a story through the simple moments that imprint our lives and define us.

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Manuel de Gracia (1937-2017)

Spanish painter Manuel de Gracia was born in Mora de Toledo. He started in Madrid practicing in the Círculo de Bellas Artes workshops and he held his first solo exhibition in 1963 in the Sala Toisón, together with Manuel Cano and José Suárez.
Later he exhibited individually at the Eureka gallery and after that he showed this work in Valladolid and Santander.