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Edvard Munch | Kiss by the Window, 1892

"The Kiss by the Window" or "Kissing by the Window" is an 1892 oil on canvas painting by Edvard Munch, now in the National Gallery of Norway. It forms part of his series known as The Frieze of Life, which treats the cycle of life, death and love and was produced between 1893-1918.
Kiss by the Window artwork depicts a couple who embrace each other as they fuse into one and their faces merge into a featureless single shape.
The kissing couple is surrounded by swirling darkness with the only source of light showing through the window which is covered by a curtain.

Edvard Munch | Kissing by the Window, 1892

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Edvard Munch | Summer Day, 1908

Munch began working on "Summer Day" in 1903, as part of a major commission by Dr Max Linde, for his children’s nursery room at their family home at Lübeck.
Linde (1862-1940) was an ophthalmologist and one of Munch’s devoted patrons. The artist first met Linde in 1902, and later that year was commissioned to produce graphic work for the Linde Portfolio of etchings of his house and garden and the members of his family.
In 1903 Linde published a book Edvard Munch und die Kunst der Zukunft and, alongside Gustav Schiefler, was to become the artist’s main supporter in Germany.

Edvard Munch | Summer Day or Embrace on the Beach (The Linde Frieze) 1908

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Frida Kahlo | Non ti chiedo di darmi un bacio..

I'm not asking you to kiss me,
nor apologize to me when I think you're wrong.
I won't even ask you to hug me when I need it most.

I don't ask you to tell me how beautiful I am,
even if it's a lie, nor write me anything beautiful.

Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera

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Dante Alighieri | Ladies that have intelligence in love / Donne ch’avete intelletto d’amore..

Ladies that have intelligence in love,
⁠Of mine own lady I would speak with you;
⁠Not that I hope to count her praises through,
⁠But telling what I may, to ease my mind.
And I declare that when I speak thereof,
Love sheds such perfect sweetness over me
That if my courage failed not, certainly
⁠To him my listeners must be all resign'd.

Henry Holiday | Dante meets Beatrice a Ponte Santa Trinita, 1883 | Walker Art Gallery Liverpool

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Paolo and Francesca | Dante Alighieri ~ Inferno, Canto V

Divina Commedia | Inferno| Canto quinto

Amor, ch’a nullo amato amar perdona,
mi prese del costui piacer sì forte,
che, come vedi, ancor non m’abbandona.

Amor condusse noi ad una morte.
Caina attende chi a vita ci spense".
Queste parole da lor ci fuor porte.

Quand’io intesi quell’anime offense,
china’ il viso, e tanto il tenni basso,
fin che ’l poeta mi disse: "Che pense?".

Auguste Rodin | The Kiss (Paolo and Francesca) detail | Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, Copenhagen