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Joe Anna Arnett, 1950 | Plein Air painter

Joe Anna Arnett is a master artist on “Passport and Palette” the art instruction and travel series airing on PBS stations across the country. Joe Anna Arnett earned a BFA degree from the University of Texas.
She then worked for Young and Rubicam Advertising in New York as a senior art director working on such accounts as Merrill Lynch and the US Postal Service
She continued her studies in fine art at the Art Students League of New York for several years.
She not only appears on the show, but also produces and writes for the program. In 1997, she became a Master Artist of the Artists in America Show at the Denver Historical Society Museum.

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Luis Cohen Fusé (1944-2019) | Figurative painter

Cohen Fusé born in Buenos Aires (Argentina). Studied Ceramics at the School of Fine Arts - Mar del Plata (Argentina). Graduated in Architecture at the Buenos Aires State University.
Studied engraving and lithography at the School of Fine Arts in Barcelona.
In 1988 he signed a contract with the Vorpal Gallery of New York. Participates in exhibitions in the USA: New York and San Francisco, and also in Canada..

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William Bouguereau | Breton Knitter / La magliaia bretone, 1871

Curiosi di conoscere la lingua, la religione e le tradizioni conservate in modo univoco degli antenati celtici della Bretagna del VI secolo, folle di turisti culturali si sono recati in questa provincia nel nord-ovest della Francia alla fine del diciannovesimo secolo.
William Bouguereau fece il suo primo viaggio con la sua famiglia nell'estate del 1866 e si ritrovò profondamente commosso dal paesaggio costiero della regione e dalle persone distintive, portandolo a tornare ogni estate fino al 1870, spesso in vacanza nella cittadina di Douarnenez.
A luglio, la loro ultima visita è stata interrotta dalla guerra franco-prussiana che ha spinto Bouguereau a tornare a Parigi a luglio per arruolarsi nella Guardia Nazionale, interrompendo la sua carriera artistica.

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Camille Pissarro | Petite bonne flamande dite 'La Rosa', 1896

Petite bonne flamande dite 'La Rosa' / Little Flemish Girl Called Rosa - is one of a small group of paintings that Camille Pissarro painted in 1896, which depict a young Flemish girl, Rosa, who was at the time the Pissarro family’s housemaid.
‘I’m doing a few figure paintings based on la Rosa’ (letter from Pissarro to L. Pissarro, in J. Pissarro and C. Durand-Ruel Snollaerts, Pissarro, Catalogue critique des peintures, vol. III, Paris, 2005, p. 694), Pissarro wrote to his son Lucien on 4 December 1895 from Paris.

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Parmigianino | Mannerist | Drawings

Parmigianino is an acclaimed painter of the Italian Mannerists, who also worked in printmaking and Alchemy later in life.
Born Girolamo Francesco Maria Mazzola, he retained his artistic name from his birthplace of Parma, Italy. Taken under the care of his uncles, Michele and Pier Ilario, he learned painting from them at a young age. Parmigianino collaborated with them and even completed commissions his uncles did not fulfill later in life.
In just his early twenties, Parmigianino had already executed frescos in the church of San Giovanni Evangelista in Parma.