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Nino Chakvetadze, 1971 | Kid's Book illustrator

Nino Chakvetadze in an Georgian painter and Kid’s Book illustrator.
She draws inspiration from everyday moments and her paintings depict love, friendship, human relationships, and peace.
According to the artist, she found her particular style in 2010 and her nostalgic paintings are based on memories that are relatable for many viewers.

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El Greco | L'eredità artistica

El Greco (1541-1614) fu molto poco considerato dalle generazioni immediatamente successive, perché il suo lavoro sotto molti aspetti era opposto ai principi del primo stile barocco che iniziò ad imporsi verso gli inizi del XVII secolo e che presto finì per soppiantare gli ultimi fuochi del manierismo del XVI secolo.
El Greco fu giudicato incomprensibile e non ebbe seguaci di rilievo.
Solo suo figlio e alcuni altri sconosciuti pittori realizzarono delle poco valide imitazioni dei suoi lavori.
Tra la fine del XVII secolo e l'inizio del XVIII dei critici spagnoli iniziarono a lodare la sua abilità, criticando però al contempo il suo stile anti-naturalistico e la sua complessa iconografia.

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Sir Alfred Munnings | Romantic Equestrian painter

Sir Alfred James Munnings, KCVO, PRA (8 October 1878 - 17 July 1959) was known as one of England's finest painters of horses, and as an outspoken critic of Modernism.
Engaged by Lord Beaverbrook's Canadian War Memorials Fund, he earned several prestigious commissions after the Great War that made him wealthy.
Munnings was elected president of the Royal Academy of Arts in 1944.

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Adam Styka | Under the African Sun

Polish-born French painter Adam Styka (1890-1959) completed his education at the French Academy of Fine Arts, Academie des Beaux-Arts, and painted closely under the tutelage of his father, Jan Styka.
Each year Adam exhibited his paintings in the Paris' most prestigious galleries such as Salon de Paris, Champs Des Elysees and others in Europe and countries of both Americas, where he constantly was awarded highest accolades.

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Edna St. Vincent Millay / Edward Steichen | Night is my sister / La notte è mia sorella

Edward Steichen (American🎨 photographer, painter, and curator, 1879-1973)| Greta Garbo

Night is my sister, and how deep in love,
How drowned in love and weedily washed ashore,
There to be fretted by the drag and shove
At the tide's edge, I lie - these things and more:
Whose arm alone between me and the sand,
Whose voice alone, whose pitiful breath brought near,
Could thaw these nostrils and unlock this hand,
She could advise you, should you care to hear.