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Francesca Strino, 1979 | Figurative painter

Francesca Strino was born in Naples, Italy. Francesca Strino’s powerful paintings reflect the influence of her father, Maestro Gianni Strino🎨.
She graduated from the Accademia di Belle Arti di Napoli with specialisation in sculpture and portraiture.
She was a pupil of the great master G. Di Fiore. Her potential as an artist was soon recognised and she was invited to submit her work for an exhibition held in 2002 celebrating the two hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the Accademia di Belle Arti di Napoli.

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René Xavier Prinet | Impressionist / Genre painter

René François Xavier Prinet (1861-1946) was a French painter and illustrator who drew his subjects from middle-class society.
He was born to Henri Prinet, an Imperial Prosecutor in Vitry-le-François.
A promotion led to him being posted in Paris, where they lived in a home not far from the École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts.
His father painted as a hobby and was supportive of his desire to study art, having him seek the advice of Louis Charles Timbal, a well-known church painter and friend of the family.

René Xavier Prinet | The Kreutzer Sonata inspired by the story by Tolstoy

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Pol Ledent, 1952 | Abstract painter

Belgian painter🎨 Pol Ledent, self-taught painter, was born in Wallonie, french speaking part of Belgium.
He came to painting in 1989. He started with watercolor but felt rapidly that oil painting would make him progress more efficient in his search for light.
After a few years, because he was disappointed by the fact that he didn't succeed in painting good watercolors, he went to work again.

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Rabindranath Tagore / Pol Ledent | Flower quotes

"By plucking her petals, you do not gather the beauty of the flower".
"Strappando i suoi petali, non raccogli la bellezza del fiore".

"Il fiore si nasconde nell'erba, ma il vento sparge il suo profumo..."

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Rabindranath Tagore / Dorian Florez

"Il Grande cammina con il Piccolo. Il mediocre si tiene a distanza... "

"The Great walks with the Small without fear. The Middling keep aloof... "

"Ogni bambino che nasce ci ricorda che Dio non è ancora stanco degli uomini".