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Man Ray (1890-1976) | Quotes / Aforismi

  • "An original is a creation motivated by desire. Any reproduction of an originals motivated be necessity. It is marvelous that we are the only species that creates gratuitous forms. To create is divine, to reproduce is human".
  • "Is photography an art? There is no point in trying to find out if it is an art. Art is old-fashioned. We need something else".
  • "Non ha senso continuare a chiedersi se la fotografia sia o meno una forma d'arte, perché l'arte è fuori moda e noi abbiamo bisogno di altro".
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Man Ray (1890-1976) Paintings

Man Ray, original name Emmanuel Radnitzky photographer, painter and filmmaker who was the only American to play a major role in both the Dada and Surrealist movements🎨.
The son of Jewish immigrants -his father was a tailor and his mother a seamstress- Radnitzky grew up in New York City, where he studied architecture, engineering, and art, and became a painter. As early as 1911, he took up the pseudonym of Man Ray. As a young man, he was a regular visitor to Alfred Stieglitz’s "291" gallery, where he was exposed to current art trends and earned an early appreciation for photography.

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Elzbieta Brozek, 1979 | The Red hat

Elzbieta Brozek is a Polish painter who works mainly a portrait of women, prefering to work in their paintings with red and orange tones using realism in some cases and in others you can see the influence of the symbolism of the austrian artist Gustav Klimt.
Shee has portrayed many characters known, as this of Angelina Jolie.

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Giovanni Pascoli | Night Blooming Jasmine /Gelsomino notturno

Jacob Van Walscapelle 1644-1727

E s'aprono i fiori notturni,
nell'ora che penso a' miei cari.
Sono apparse in mezzo ai viburni
le farfalle crepuscolari.
Da un pezzo si tacquero i gridi:
là sola una casa bisbiglia.
Sotto l'ali dormono i nidi,
come gli occhi sotto le ciglia.

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Alda Merini / Howard Pyle | Those like me.. / Quelle come me...

Howard Pyle 1853-1911 | American Golden Age Illustrator | The mermaid, 1910
Howard Pyle (American Golden Age Illustrator, 1853-1911) | The mermaid, 1910

Quelle come me regalano sogni,
anche a costo di rimanerne prive…

Quelle come me donano l’Anima,
perché un’anima da sola è come
una goccia d’acqua nel deserto…

Quelle come me tendono la mano
ed aiutano a rialzarsi, pur correndo il rischio
di cadere a loro volta…