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Elzbieta Brozek, 1979 | The Red hat

Elzbieta Brozek is a Polish painter who works mainly a portrait of women, prefering to work in their paintings with red and orange tones using realism in some cases and in others you can see the influence of the symbolism of the austrian artist Gustav Klimt.
Shee has portrayed many characters known, as this of Angelina Jolie.

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Giovanni Pascoli | Night Blooming Jasmine /Gelsomino notturno

Jacob Van Walscapelle 1644-1727

E s'aprono i fiori notturni,
nell'ora che penso a' miei cari.
Sono apparse in mezzo ai viburni
le farfalle crepuscolari.
Da un pezzo si tacquero i gridi:
là sola una casa bisbiglia.
Sotto l'ali dormono i nidi,
come gli occhi sotto le ciglia.

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Alda Merini / Howard Pyle | Those like me.. / Quelle come me...

Howard Pyle 1853-1911 | American Golden Age Illustrator | The mermaid, 1910
Howard Pyle (American Golden Age Illustrator, 1853-1911) | The mermaid, 1910

Quelle come me regalano sogni,
anche a costo di rimanerne prive…

Quelle come me donano l’Anima,
perché un’anima da sola è come
una goccia d’acqua nel deserto…

Quelle come me tendono la mano
ed aiutano a rialzarsi, pur correndo il rischio
di cadere a loro volta…

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Robert Hagan, 1947 | Plein Air painter

Robert Hagan raised in the lush, languorous sub-tropical northern New South Wales, Australia and educated at Newcastle University, he communicates in a typical offhanded Aussie manner.
Widely traveled with studios in Suffolk, England, San Diego, USA, Southport, Australia and Pattaya, Thailand.
Robert goes about his art with confidence, humility and pragmatism.

He explains, "When you look at things you tend to concentrate on one element, a boy or girl at the waters edge, for example".

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Edson Campos, 1955 | Post-Romantic painter

Born in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Edson Campos has enjoyed sketching and painting since childhood. He is a completely self-taught artist.
He moved to the United States in 1978 where he quickly established himself as an artist of the highest caliber.
Campos has exhibited his lifelike, passionate paintings and drawings in major cities throughout the country, winning several awards🎨.