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Lermontov, Rubinstein, Vrubel e l'amore del Demone per Tamara

"As soon as night has spread her veil
To cover the Caucasian heights;
As soon as nature neath the spell
Of magic words falls silent quite;
As soon as on the cliffs the wind
Runs rustling through the fading grass,
And the small bird that hides behind
The brittle blades flies up at last;
And, drinking in the evening dew
Beneath the vine-leaves in the gloom,
Night flowering blossoms come to bloom;
As soon as the great, golden moon
Above the mountain quietly peeps
To steal a stealthy glance at you;
I shall come flying to watch your sleep
And on your silken lashes lay
Enchanted dreams of golden day...."

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Augustus Edwin Mulready | Genre painter

British painter Augustus Edwin Mulready (1844-1904) was an Genre painter specializing in street scenes of London's underbelly - street urchins were a favorite subject.
Augustus Edwin Mulready was born c 1844 in London the son of Thomas and Sarah Mulready and grandson of the painter William Mulready R.A. (1786-1863).
Attracted by the artist's Colony established in Cranbrook Augustus moved there to further his profession in the late 1860s and lived next door to F.D.
Hardy at Waterloo Place in 1871. In 1874 Augustus returned to London where he married Marie who bore him two children - Claude Augustus in 1876 and Eleanor Julia in 1878.

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Danny McBride, 1951

Danny McBride was born in Toronto, and has spent all of his working years in the arts as a musician, composer, singer and artist.
First as a musician, composer and songwriter, Danny made world tours with the likes of David Hasselhoff, Chris de Burgh and Joe Cocker.
His illustrious music career has netted him several gold and platinum records and a profile that still keeps him newsworthy.
In 1996 he wrapped up a US and Taiwan concert tour and began to slow his pace.

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Tina Palmer, 1964 | Impressionist painter

Like many artists, Tina Palmer had a natural interest in painting from her early childhood, and watching her father paint and draw always got her attention.
She was the kid teachers called-on for creative undertakings like composing the bulletin boards for Holidays and her art teachers were a strong influence throughout high school.
Tina attended college studying graphic design in the era before computer aided design was mainstream and most designs were hand rendered. She left school to become a young entrepreneur, building a Bridal Boutique and a Men's Custom Suit business.

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Robert Pilot (1898-1967) | Impressionist painter

Robert Wakeham Pilot MBE RCA was a Canadian artist🎨, who worked mainly in oil on canvas or on panel, and as an etcher and muralist.
Pilot was born on 9 October 1898, at St. John's, Newfoundland, to Edward Frederick Pilot and his wife Barbara (née Merchant).
In 1910, his widowed mother married the artist, Maurice Cullen, moving into Cullen's home in Montreal.
As a child, Pilot assisted Cullen in his studio, and the two would take sketching trips together.