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Francois Bard / Martin Luther King

I Have a Dream
delivered 28 August 1963, at the Lincoln Memorial, Washington D.C.

.. And when we allow freedom ring, when we let it ring from every village and every hamlet, from every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of God's children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual:
Free at last! Free at last!
Thank God Almighty, we are free at last!"

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Evgeny Balakshin / Евгений Балакшин, 1962

The creativity of Evgeny Balakshin stylistically belongs to the Russian🎨 realistic school of painting, with its subtle color and light transmission, rich color palette.
Evgeny Balakshin / Евгений Балакшин was born in Saransk, the capital city of the Republic of Mordovia, Russia. A member of the Professional Union of Artists of Russia, he received systematic art education in Saransk Art School under the direct tutelage of M. P. Shanin.

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Martin Luther King: "I Have a Dream"!

"I have a dream" - "Ho un sogno" - è la frase con cui viene identificato il discorso tenuto da Martin Luther King il 28 agosto del 1963 davanti al Lincoln Memorial di Washington al termine di una marcia di protesta per i diritti civili.
"Sì, è vero, io stesso sono vittima di sogni svaniti, di speranze rovinate, ma nonostante tutto voglio concludere dicendo che ho ancora dei sogni, perché so che nella vita non bisogna mai cedere.
Se perdete la speranza, perdete anche quella vitalità che rende degna la vita, quel coraggio di essere voi stessi, quella forza che vi fa continuare nonostante tutto.
Ecco perché io ho ancora un sogno...
Ho il sogno che un giorno gli uomini si rizzeranno in piedi e si renderanno conto che sono stati creati per vivere insieme come fratelli".

I Have a Dream - Martin Luther King 1929-1968 | Le citazioni

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Carl Wilhelmson | Genre painter

Carl Wilhelm Wilhelmson (186-1928) was a Swedish painter, graphic artist, amateur photographer and art teacher.
His father, Anders Wilhelmson, was a "Bästeman" (a type of Naval Master), who died in a shipwreck in 1875. His mother, Amalia, opened a small shop to support the family.
Some relatives were in the printing business so, in 1881, he was apprenticed to the lithographers Meyer and Köster in Gothenburg.
He also took evening classes at the School of Design and Crafts. He later became a full time student of Carl Larsson🎨 at the Valand Academy.

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Willem Haenraets, 1940 | Impressionist painter

With soft colors, the artist conjures up a romantic world of beautiful illusion on his canvasses. Hollandaise painter Willem Haenraets was born in Rotterdam and his talent was discovered at an early age.
Haenraets was just 16 when he started his training at the academy in Maastricht, which he followed with further education at the Antwerp art academy.
Granted a scholarship for talented students, he received his artistic polish as a master craftsman student of the renowned professors Sarina and Vaarten.
Haenraets’ creations are evidence that the great tradition of the Belgian-Dutch school has received a flourishing sequel. The old masters certainly would have given him a nod of approval.