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David Graeme Baker, 1968 | Figurative painter

David Graeme Baker was born in South Africa, the son of a surgeon and a very creative mother. Her talents as a crafter inspired in David the attitude that if one wants something, one can easily make it oneself.
In other words, he was raised in a house that valued attention to small details and excellent work. While it’s now easy to see this in his paintings, there were no distinct signs when David was young that he would grow up and be an artist.
As a child he doodled a lot, borrowed figure drawing books from the library, and loved his grade school art class however, his high school had no art program, so it took a while at university to come back around to art making.

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Robert Henri: "Art cannot be separated from life"

"Art, when properly understood, is the province of every human being. It is simply a question of doing things, anything well".
"L'arte, se correttamente intesa, è la provincia di ogni essere umano. È semplicemente una questione di fare cose, tutte belle".

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Vincent Xeus, 1981 | Figurative painter

Vincent Xeus is a torrential force on the international art scene that permeates and defines our contemporary culture. His relentless pursuit on re-evaluating and re-inventing fresh aesthetic visions is one of the most vital and remarkable characteristics of his creation.
Oscillating between figuration and abstraction, his work embraces, yet challenges the traditions of painting with an exploration of contemporary practices and observations. Xeus reminds the audience to continually adjust perceptions and to formulate new syntheses built upon the past.

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Lilla Cabot Perry (1848-1933) | Impressionist painter

Lilla Cabot Perry, original name Lilla Cabot, American artist🎨 who emulated the innovations of French Impressionism in her own art.
She was also a major promoter of Impressionism in the United States.
Lilla Cabot was a descendant not only of the Boston Brahmin Cabot family but also of the equally distinguished Lowells.

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Frits Thaulow | Pittore di Skagen

Frits Thaulow (1847-1906) è stato un pittore Impressionista Norvegese, noto soprattutto per le sue raffigurazioni naturalistiche del paesaggio.
Frits Thaulow fu tra i pittori più anziani del grande gruppo di artisti che affollò le gallerie norvegesi verso la fine dell'800, questo lo rese un pioniere ed una chiave importante per le generazioni successive alla sua.
Nacque a Christiania nel 1847 da una famiglia di farmacisti, agiati ed economicamente spensierati, tanto da permettergli di spostarsi subito ad una scuola prestigiosa a Copenaghen, dove rimase dal 1870-1872, per poi iscriversi successivamente al Baden School of Art di Karlsruhe.