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Benjamin Lacombe, 1982 | Pop surrealism painter

Benjamin was born in Paris. In 2001, he attended the école Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs of Paris where he pursued his artistic education.
In addition to his studies, he worked as an advertising and animated movie artist before completing his first comic series at the age of 19, along with a few other illustrated books.
His final project «Cherry and Olive», which he has both written and illustrated, became his first children’s book and was published in France by Les éditions du Seuil in March 2006.
The following year, it was released by Walker Books (USA) and nominated one of the top 10 children’s books for the year 2007 in the U.S.A. by the prestigious weekly news magazine Time.

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David Walker, 1976 | Portrait / Street Art

David Walker is a London-based portraitist who creates color-explosive portraits using spray paint in the form of street art.
Working in portraiture and using only spray paint David's ability to capture his subject in his trademark multi-layered style has seen him invited to exhibit all over the world and his work becoming highly collectible.
Using self-enforced constraints such as a 'no brushes rule' David is pushing the medium in his own unique direction and challenging preconceptions.

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Anastasia Vostrezova, 1981 | Ballet Dancers

Russian painter🎨 Анастасия Вострецова works in a variety of genres: portrait, landscape, still-life. Anastasia's true creativity is evident in her scenes of Russian everyday life, festivals and portraits. The characters presence of mood and soul are delicately transferred on her canvas.
Her works are characterised by the constant search of the illusive language of the soul and the painting culture that changes constantly.
Anastasia Vostrezova /Анастасия Вострецова was born in a family of artists. She spent all of her childhood in Moscow and in Pereslavl-Zalesski where her family had a summer house.

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Come recuperare un account Facebook hackerato

I segnali di un possibile hackeraggio del profilo personale di Facebook sono:

• L'immagine del profilo è stata cambiata.
• Ci sono post, commenti e messaggi non scritti da te.
• Sono stati inviati messaggi non scritti da te.
• Riscontri improvvisamente problemi di accesso od il solito metodo di autenticazione a due fattori, ad esempio la tua app di autenticazione, non funziona.

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Catherine Alexandre | Surrealist painter

Catherine-Marie Alexandre, painter whose reputation in France and abroad is well established, studies in Fine Arts, National Diploma in painting.
Diploma in contemporary jewelry design. First prize in a fashion design competition.
Easel painting, illustration for advertising and publishing. Currently, paints and writes.

- "When I was two years old, my parents peut a pencil in my hand, that I have never let it go since.
At the end of my secondary school studies, I went to Art'School, where I have obtained my NATIONAL DIPLOMA of PAINTING".