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Julee Simmons | Figurative painter

JuLee Simmons began painting in oils more than thirty years ago, at the age of ten. That discovery unleashed a passion which has animated her life to the present day.
"Sometimes I wish I could make art like I did when I was young", JuLee recalls.
"There were no mistakes then. A bad drawing of a cow could turn into a pig. Now my work is more of a struggle. It takes a lot of insight and patience to make that mark on the paper deliberate and profound".

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Miomir Badzic | Ballet dancers

Badžić Miomir is an Serbian artist, known for working in classical and realistic style. Do not give preference to any one genre, among his works can be found portraits, landscapes, still lifes...
Some time ago, he wrote to order several paintings replica on a historical theme for one of the Serbian museums. Currently the artist lives and works in the United States.

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Lita Cabellut, 1961 | Mixed media painter

Lita Cabellut was born in Barcelona, into a Sinti family and lived on the streets until the age of 12 when she was adopted by a prominent family.
She was introduced to her masters in the Prado: Velazquez🎨, Goya🎨 and Frans Hal🎨s and became deeply affected by art. She attended drawing and painting lessons and had her first exhibition at the age of 17 in Madrid.

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Igor Morski, 1960 | Surrealist painter

Igor Morski is a Polish🎨 graphic designer, illustrator and set designer. Presently, he focuses on mixed media graphic art, based manly on photo manipulation, drawing, recently also 3D.
Igor Morski graduated with honors from the Interior Architecture and Industrial Design Faculty at the State Higher School of Fine Art in Poznań (now the University of Arts).

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Francesco Hayez (1791-1882) | Romantic painter

Francesco Hayez🎨 (10 February 1791 - 21 December 1882) was an Italian painter🎨, the leading artist of Romanticism in mid-19th-century Milan, renowned for his grand historical paintings, political allegories and exceptionally fine portraits.
Hayez came from a relatively poor family from Venice.