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Guillaume Seignac (1870-1924) | Academic painter

Guillaume was born in Rennes, France. He started training at the Académie Julian in Paris, where he spent 1889 through 1895. He had many teachers there, including Gabriel Ferrier, William-Adolphe Bouguereau and Tony Robert-Fleury.
In addition to his training in the academic style, much of Seignac's work displayed classical themes and style, for example, his use of diaphanous drapery covering a woman's body is reminiscent of classical style, in particular the sculptor Phidias.

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Bryan Larsen, 1975

Bryan Lamont Larsen Jr. is an American realist painter, born in Salt Lake City, Utah.
Larsen was inspired by the figurative works of the Pre-Raphaelite painters, William-Adolphe Bouguereau, Lawrence Alma-Tadema, and other nineteenth century European painters.
He was educated at Utah State University and at the Grand Central Academy Summer Intensives.
Larsen's work includes architectural elements and figurative works, with themes emphasizing beauty, innovation, aspiration, and optimism for the future.

His work can be found in private art collections around the world.
He is represented by Quent Cordair Fine Art, an art gallery in downtown Napa, California.
Larsen has completed large commissions and smaller works for private collectors and companies. Larsen is supportive of ongoing efforts by the Art Renewal Center, a leading organization working to foster a re-emergence of realism and classical technique in art culture.

Bryan Lamont Larsen Jr. è un pittore realista Americano, nato a Salt Lake City, nello Utah.
Larsen è stato ispirato dalle opere figurative dei pittori pre-Raphaelite, William-Adolphe Bouguereau, Lawrence Alma-Tadema e altri pittori europei del XIX secolo.
Ha studiato alla Utah State University e alla Grand Central Academy Summer Intensives.
Il lavoro di Larsen comprende elementi architettonici e opere figurative, con temi che enfatizzano la bellezza, l'innovazione, l'aspirazione e l'ottimismo per il futuro. Le sue opere sono presenti in collezioni d'arte private in tutto il mondo.
È rappresentato da Quent Cordair Fine Art, una galleria d'arte nel centro di Napa, in California.
Larsen ha completato grandi commissioni ed opere più piccole per collezionisti privati ​​e aziende. Larsen sostiene gli sforzi in corso dell'Art Renewal Center,  un'organizzazione leader che lavora per favorire una riemersione del realismo e della tecnica classica nella cultura dell'arte.

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Robert Doesburg, 1945 | Square style painter

Dutch painter🎨 Robert Doesburg is playing with styles, colours and light. He is working out of his feeling and intuition.
His speciality is the square style.

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Ancient Egyptian Sculpture

The culture and monuments of ancient Egypt have left a lasting legacy on the world. The cult of the goddess Isis, for example, became popular in the Roman Empire, as obelisks and other relics were transported back to Rome.
The Romans also imported building materials from Egypt to erect Egyptian-style structures. Early historians such as Herodotus, Strabo, and Diodorus Siculus studied and wrote about the land, which Romans came to view as a place of mystery.

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Thutmose | The Sculptor of the bust of Nefertiti

The King's Favourite and Master of Works, the Sculptor Thutmose - (also spelled Djhutmose and Thutmosis), flourished 1350 BC, is thought to have been the official court sculptor of the Egyptian Pharaoh Akhenaten in the latter part of his reign.
German archaeological expedition digging in Akhenaten's deserted city of Akhetaten, at Amarna, found a ruined house and studio complex (labeled P47.1-3) in early December 1912; the building was identified as that of Thutmose based on an ivory horse blinker found in a rubbish pit in the courtyard inscribed with his name and job title.