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Federico Moja (1802-1885) | Veduta painter

Federico Moja was an Italian painter🎨, known best for his vedute and views of interior architecture.
Born in Milan into a family of artists, Moja began studying at the Brera Academy of Fine Arts in 1818 and became a pupil of Giovanni Migliara at the same time.
His early work is characterised by perspective urban views, monastery interiors and subjects of a historical and literary nature addressed in strict accordance with his master's teachings.

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Paul Cézanne at The Metropolitan Museum of Art

Paul Cézanne | Giocatori di carte, 1890-92

Tra il 1890-1896, Cézanne intraprese un ambizioso progetto di pittura dedicato al tema dei giocatori di carte. Arruolò dei contadini delle terre di famiglia, vicino ad Aix-en-Provence, come modelli.
Basandosi su numerosi studi preparatori, l’artista realizzò cinque composizioni che ampliano, sfidandole, le raffigurazioni tradizionali di questo tema, popolare fin dal Seicento. Pare che questa tela sia stata la prima della serie.
Dopo aver dipinto una successiva versione di grandezza doppia rispetto alla prima che comprendeva una nuova figura, un bambino in piedi, nelle tre versioni seguenti Cézanne eliminò i particolari superflui, raffigurando soltanto due giocatori, che si affrontano a viso duro attraverso il tavolo. | © The Metropolitan Museum of Art

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Henri-Edmond Cross | Divisionist painter

Henri-Edmond Cross (1856-1910) born Henri-Edmond-Joseph Delacroix, was a French painter and printmaker.
He is most acclaimed as a master of Neo-Impressionism and he played an important role in shaping the second phase of that movement.
He was a significant influence on Henri Matisse and many other artists.
His work was instrumental in the development of Fauvism.
He started his studies in 1878 at the Écoles Académiques de Dessin et d'Architecture in Lille, where he attended Alphonse Colas' studio.

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Paul Cézanne at the Ermitage

The works of Paul Cézanne (1839-1906), to whom this hall - 410, is devoted, present the oeuvre of one of the chief figures in Post-Impressionism, from paintings of 1879-80 to works from the final years of his life.
Canvases of various genres were executed in the artist's mature manner.

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Henry Lee Battle | Figurative painter

Henry Battle, a.k.a. Hbatto, a Californian native and well traveled Air Force veteran, now rooted in Atlanta GA, describes his style as richly realistic figurative snapshots of life. His subject matter ranges from spiritual and family-oriented, to romantic moments that he freezes in time.