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Olga Akasi, 1970 | Classical portraits painter

Olga Akasi / Ольга Акаси is an Ukrainian artist born in Kiev, Ukraine.
She studied painting at the Grekov Odessa Art school.
"Akasi’s characters have astonishing faces. They don’t look like faces of real people; they came from another world, very far from human being. They look like images that don’t exist in our world.
Artist materializes them, embodies them, makes viewer to peer at this different-being and not to recognize himself in it. Smiles of faces at her works are not mundane and not human; there is something different in human being, the mystery that unites mundane human world with non-material, spiritual image".

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Joan Miró (1893-1983) | Surrealist painter / sculptor | Page 2

Joan Miró🎨 - Catalan painter who combined abstract art with Surrealist fantasy.
His mature style evolved from the tension between his fanciful, poetic impulse and his vision of the harshness of modern life.
He worked extensively in lithography and produced numerous murals, tapestries, and sculptures for public spaces.

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Henri Matisse al Museo Hermitage di San Pietroburgo

La sala 440 del Museo Statale del Hermitage a San Pietroburgo, in Russia, è dedicata ai dipinti di Henri Matisse (1869-1954).
I celebri dipinti monumentali includono la coppia di pannelli conosciuti come Dance and Music (entrambi 1910), Family Portrait (1911), Conversation (tra il 1909-1912).

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Henri Matisse | Art Quotes

  • "What I am after, above all, is expression".
  • "Ciò che sto cercando, soprattutto, è l'espressione".
  • "I have worked to enrich my intelligence and meet my mind’s various needs, striving with all of my being for an understanding of the different interpretations of art given by the ancient and modern masters".
  • "Ho lavorato per arricchire la mia intelligenza, per soddisfare le differenti esigenze del mio spirito, sforzando tutto il mio essere alla comprensione delle diverse interpretazioni dell'arte plastica date dagli antichi maestri e dai moderni".
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Fede Galizia (1578-1630) | Baroque painter

Born in 1578 in Milan, Italy, Fede Galizia, like many female artists of her time, was the daughter of a painter (a miniaturist), who is assumed to have taught her his craft.
Little is known of her life, but her skill as a painter was first noted by Italian historian Giovanni P. Lomazzo when she was just 12 years old, and she was widely considered a prodigy.