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Tina Spratt, 1976 | Figurative painter

British painter🎨 Tina Spratt is best known for her paintings of the female figure, either in oils or pastel, her subjects are often lost in introspection, or surrounded by the fascinating textures of a myriad of fabrics.
"I have always been drawn to the female figure in my work", she has said, "and I hope to recreate the beauty and integrity of a simple, everyday intimacy".
With an emphasis on beautiful fabrics or domestic scenes , she is influenced by artists such as Andrew Wyeth🎨, Rembrandt🎨 and Vermeer🎨.

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Kieta Nuij, 1960 | Abstract sculptor

Dutch artist🎨 Kieta Nuij was born in Heerlen in the south of the Netherlands. She is a graduate of the Maastricht Academy of Fine Arts. She started working as an artist - she became a sculptor🎨 in 1984, just after graduating. Initially, she worked in clay, and now she has been creating bronze sculptures for over 25 years.
Characteristic for her art is the use of materials marked by the destructive effects of time - pieces of material, ropes, wood.

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Johannes Vermeer | Tecnica pittorica

Il pittore Olandese Johannes Vermeer (1632-1675) era in grado di ottenere colori trasparenti applicando sulle tele il colore a punti piccoli e ravvicinati, tecnica nota come pointillé, da non confondere con il pointillisme.
La sua tecnica punta a una resa più vivida possibile, con effetti, soprattutto di colore, che egli ricerca con un interesse quasi scientifico, considerando il soggetto una sorta di espediente: "le pitture di Vermeer sono vere nature morte con esseri umani".

Non ci sono disegni attribuibili con certezza all'artista e i suoi quadri presentano pochi indizi dei suoi metodi preparatori.

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Zig Ziglar: "Non esiste un ascensore per il successo.."

"Non esiste un ascensore per il successo, devi prendere le scale!"
"There is no elevator to success, you have to take the stairs!"
-Zig Ziglar (1926-2012) Scrittore e speaker motivazionale statunitense.

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Edmund Blair Leighton (1852-1922) | Pre-Raphaelite painter

Although his name is not commonly known, Edmund Blair Leighton's most famous works are among the most widely recognized paintings of the period.
His works of Godspeed (1900) and the Accolade (1901), can be seen in almost every poster shop around the world and are used as the epitome of medieval iconography.
If one looks at the visual elements in Godspeed for example, it becomes evident that very few paintings encapsulate with such a strong a sense, the sensibilities of this genre.
The beautiful maiden on the steps of a stone castle, the knight in shining armor, the white steed, and the sense of immediate peril which threatens the subjects contentment almost define our modern day conception of Medieval legend and romantic sentiment.