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Caro Guarinos, 1963 | Surrealist painter

Caro Guarinos is an Spanish painter, born in Alcoy (Alicante).
If we talk about artists, we think, is it born or made?
Well, the artist is born, but the environment where he lives configures his training. This is the case of Caro Guarinos, in which we enter into his surroundings and meet her paternal grandfather who was already a good painter and cartoonist, and much appreciated by Alcoyana society.
Her father, a great artist of wood and creator of innovations and forms of great quality and personality, so on the basis, they influence Caro.

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Picasso's Women

"Often while reading a book one feels that the author would heave preferred to paint rather than to write; one can sense the pleasure he derives from describing a landscape or a person, as if he were painting what he is saying, because deep in his heart he would have preferred to use brushes and colors". Pablo Picasso

"For me painting is a dramatic action in the course of which reality finds itself split apart". Pablo Picasso

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Richard Macneil, 1956 | Ballet dancers

Self-taught artist Richard Macneil paints diverse contemporary scenes with oil, joy, and lightness of heart.
His subjects include city scenes, couples, romance, shopping, outdoor scenes, weddings, flowers, children and Christmas. His vibrant work has a beauty that can lift any spirit.
Richard Macneil has always worked in the creative industry.

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Claude Gaveau, 1940 | Pittore astratto

Claude Gaveau è un pittore Francese nato a Neuilly-sur-Marne.
Proviene da una famiglia di artisti, suo nonno, ad esempio, è stato il creatore del Verges du Jardin des Plantes a Parigi.
Appassionato fin da giovanissimo della pittura, è entrato alla Scuola di Arti Applicate di Parigi nel 1955 dove ha studiato arte murale per cinque anni: vetrate, arazzi, mosaico e affresco.
Nel 1960 ha studiato alla Scuola Superiore Nazionale di Belle Arti di Parigi dove ha praticato pittura a olio e pastelli, litografia e guazzo.

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Rainer Maria Rilke | Letters on Rodin / Lettere su Rodin

Rainer Maria Rilke (Austrian poet and novelist, 1875-1926) to Lou Andreas-Salomè
Oberneuland bei Bremen,
8 august 1903

... "When I first came to Rodin and lunched with him out there in Meudon with people to whom one was not introduced, at the same table with strangers, I knew that his house was nothing to him, a paltry little necessity perhaps, a roof for time of rain and sleep; and that it was no care to him and no weight upon his solitude and composure".