
The Garmash | Romantic Impressionist / Plein Air painters | Part. 3


Mikhail (1969) and Inessa Garmash (1972) - Husband and Wife Team - Romantic Impressionists.
For biographical notes -in english and italian- and other works by Garmashs' see:
For other works by Garmashs' see:

Victor Olson | Figurative Painter / Illustrator

Victor Olson (1924-2007) of Fanton Meadows, West Redding, Connecticut was a well known, award-winning Fairfield County artist, as well as an illustrator and graphic designer.
He has illustrated many national magazine covers for paperback publications and magazine stories for such publishers as Doubleday, Avon Books, MacFadden Books, Bantan and Monarch.



Alexander Averin, 1952 | Romantic / Genre painter


Alexander Averin (Russian: Александр Аверин) was born in Noginsk, near Moscow.
He graduated from the Moscow Art School of "Memory 1905" and trained under Dimitry Yorontov.
Member of the Russian Union of Artists since 1984.
Since 1976 member of numerous Russian and international solo and group exhibitions.
Works of the artist are held in private collections in Russia, France, England, the USA, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Denmark, Japan and many other countries.


Eugene Boudin | Impressionist painter | Quotes / Aforismi


  • I shall do other things, but I will always be the painter of beaches.
  • Farò altre cose, ma sarò sempre il pittore delle spiagge.
  • I have a confession to make. When I came back to.... the beach at Trouville.... it seeemed nothing more than than a frightful masquerade.... If you have passed one month among the people condemned to hard work in the fields, with black bread and water, and you then find that gang of golden parasites with such a triumphant air, you can't help feeling a bit of pity.... Fortunately, dear friend, the Creator has spread a little of his splendid and warming light everywhere, and what I reproduce is not so much this world as the element that envelops it.

Eugene Boudin | Quotes / Aforismi

  • Everything that is painted directly and on the spot always has strength, a power, and a vivacity of touch one cannot recover in the studio... Three strokes of the brush in front of nature are worth more than two days of work at the easel [in the studio].
  • Le opere dipinte direttamente sul luogo posseggono un potere e una vivacità che non possono essere riprodotte nell'atelier.
  • [Venice is] somewhat disguised by the artists who usually paint Venice, who have disfigured it by turning it into a city heated by the brightest and hottest sun. On the contrary, Venice, like all luminous cities, has a grey hue, the atmosphere is mild and misty and the sky arrays itself with clouds, just like the sky of our Norman and Dutch regions.