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17th century Artists | Sitemap

The 17th century was the century that lasted from January 1, 1601, to December 31, 1700, in the Gregorian calendar.
It falls into the Early Modern period of Europe and in that continent (whose impact on the world was increasing) was characterized by the Baroque cultural movement, the latter part of the Spanish Golden Age, the Dutch Golden Age, the French Grand Siècle dominated by Louis XIV, the Scientific Revolution, and according to some historians, the General Crisis.
The greatest military conflicts were the Thirty Years' War, the Great Turkish War, and the Dutch-Portuguese War.
It was during this period also that European colonization of the Americas began in earnest, including the exploitation of the silver deposits, which resulted in bouts of inflation as wealth was drawn into Europe.

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Oleg Shuplyak, 1967 | Optical Illusion painter

Oлег Щупляк is an Ukrainian painter whose works involve portraits of famous personalities drawn in such a way that common objects and scenery make up their distinctive faces in amalgamated form.
The pictures are brilliantly, and evocatively multilayered with uncommon depth. Born in the Ternopol region of the Ukraine, Shuplyak studied architecture at the Lviv Polytechnic Institute, but his passion was always painting.

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Cartoline d'epoca di Auguri di Buona Pasqua / Vintage Easter postcards

The egg is an ancient symbol of new life and rebirth. In Christianity it became associated with Jesus' crucifixion and resurrection.
The custom of the Easter egg originated in the early Christian community of Mesopotamia, who stained eggs red in memory of the blood of Christ, shed at his crucifixion.
As such, for Christians, the Easter egg is a symbol of the empty tomb.
The oldest tradition is to use dyed chicken eggs, but a modern custom is to substitute decorated chocolate, or plastic eggs filled with candy such as jellybeans.
The Easter Bunny is a popular legendary anthropomorphic Easter gift-giving character analogous to Santa Claus in American culture.

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Marco Grassi, 1987 | Pittore iperrealista

Marco Grassi è nato a Reggio Emilia (Italia), dove risiede a lavora attualmente. Dopo aver conseguito il diploma di Ragioniere, decide di perseguire la strada dell’arte, iscrivendosi nel 2006 all'Accademia di Belle Arti di Bologna; terminato il ciclo di studi sceglie di dedicarsi a tempo pieno all'attività pittorica, passione che lo accompagna da molti anni.
Dopo alcune manifestazioni artistiche in ambito locale, e collaborazioni con artisti di rilievo, la sua prima mostra personale si svolgerà nella sua città natale, Reggio Emilia, il giorno 14 Dicembre 2013, un evento fortemente voluto da Pietro Franesi, Direttore della Biennale di New York e Dubai, che lo porterà a partecipare alla prossima manifestazione prevista a Marzo 2014.

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18th century Artists | Sitemap

18th century Art - Painting, sculpture, music, architecture, interior design, evolving from the Baroque to an elegant Rococó style and Neoclassicism, and, at the end of the century, another transformation to the Romantic style.

Thomas Gainsborough | Rococo Era /Romantic painter