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Ettore Tito | Genre painter

Ettore Tito (17 December 1859 - 26 June 1941) was an Italian artist, particularly known for his paintings of contemporary life and landscapes in Venice and the surrounding region.
He trained at the Accademia di Belle Arti in Venice and from 1894-1927 was the Professor of Painting there.
Tito exhibited widely and was awarded the Grand Prize in painting at the 1915 Panama-Pacific International Exposition in San Francisco.

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Max Svabinsky (1873-1962)

Max Švabinský (1873-1963) was a Czech painter🎨, draughtsman, graphic artist, and professor in Academy of Graphic Arts in Prague.
Švabinský is considered one of the more notable artists in the history of Czech painting and produced significant work during the first half of the 20th century.
He was relatively unusual among modernist artists in that his work was accepted by the communist regime; this was due at least in part to his having formed his artistic personality prior to 1900, prior to the advent of cubism. | © Wikipedia

Max Švabinský (1873-1963) è stato un pittore Ceco🎨, disegnatore, grafico e professore presso l'Accademia di arti grafiche di Praga.
È uno degli artisti più importanti del XX secolo, ammirato per la straordinaria abilità disegnativa e una grande varietà di tecniche grafiche. Si rese molto benemerito per far conoscere le belle arti ceche a tutta l'Europa.
Dalla fine degli anni Venti, dimorava spesso insieme alla moglie Ela presso la famiglia Vejrych a Kozlov vicino a Česká Třebová. Nel 1910 fu nominato professore dell'Academia di Praga.
Nel giornale Rajské sonáty, ampliò nel 1917 la gamma di proprie possibilità espressive con l'incisione in legno. Inoltre è autore di mosaiche per il Monumento Nazionale sul colle Žižkov a Praga, di cartoni per tre finestre colorate del Duomo di San Vito di Praga, nonché dell' abbozzo di una miniatura grafica per francobollo.
Max Švabinský continuò a disegnare quasi fino agli ultimi giorni della sua vita e morì il 10 febbraio 1962 a Praga.

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Pierre-Auguste Renoir | Seascape, 1879

Artist: Pierre-Auguste Renoir🎨 (French, 1841-1919)
Title: Seascape
Origin: France
Date: 1879
Medium: Oil on canvas
Inscriptions: Inscribed lower right: Renoir'79
Dimensions: 72.6 × 91.6 cm (28 1/2 × 36 in.)
Credit Line: The Art Institute of Chicago, Potter Palmer Collection
Reference Number: 1922.438

The name Renoir is closely associated with paintings of dancers, boaters, women, the celebration of life, and the enjoyment of leisure, which makes Seascape and its storm-tossed ocean quite unusual and unexpected.
For his landscapes, Renoir preferred sunny days with blue skies and calm winds; rarely do we see unsettled weather, and there are only four known winter scenes.

Il nome Renoir è strettamente associato con dipinti di ballerini, diportisti, donne, la celebrazione della vita e il godimento del tempo libero, il che rende Seascape ed il suo oceano tempestato di intemperie inusuali e inaspettati.
Per i suoi paesaggi, Renoir preferiva giornate soleggiate con cielo azzurro e venti calmi; raramente vediamo condizioni meteorologiche instabili e ci sono solo quattro scene invernali conosciute.

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Max Liebermann | Impressionist painter

Max Liebermann, (born July 20, 1847, Berlin, Ger. - died February 8, 1935, Berlin), painter and printmaker who is known for his naturalistic studies of the life and labour of the poor. He was also the foremost proponent of Impressionism🎨 in Germany.

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Claude Monet | The Geese / Le oche, 1874

The Geese was painted a few months after the first Impressionist exhibition and the painting's bright tone and thickly applied touches of color are characteristic of Monet’s🎨 experimental technique during this period.
More unusual is the painting’s vertical format and dense composition.
Tall trees shade a path that leads our eye from the rippling water in the foreground to the diminutive figures of a woman and child standing in front of a sunlit, whitewashed building. | © The Clark Art Institute