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John Constable RA | Romantic painter

John Constable (1776-1837) is famous for his landscapes, which are mostly of the Suffolk countryside, where he was born and lived.
He made many open-air sketches, using these as a basis for his large exhibition paintings, which were worked up in the studio.
His pictures are extremely popular today, but they were not particularly well received in England during his lifetime.
He did, however, have considerable success in Paris.
Constable was born in East Bergholt, Suffolk.
He was largely self-taught, and developed slowly.
In 1799 he was a probationer, and in 1800 a student at the Royal Academy schools.

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Paolo Veronese | Opere / Aforismi

"Dipingo con tutte le considerazioni che sono convenienti e che il mio intelletto può capire".
"I paint my pictures with all the considerations which are natural to my intelligence, and according as my intelligence understands them".
"È un dovere per me di seguire l'esempio dei miei predecessori".
"Noi altri pittori ci prendiamo la licenza che si prendono i poeti e i matti".
"We painters use the same license as poets and madmen".
"Quando in un quadro mi rimane dello spazio, l'adorno di figure che invento".
"I had not thought that I was doing wrong; I had never taken so many things into consideration.".

Paolo Veronese (1528-1588)

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Adam de Coster | Baroque / Genre painter

Little is known of the biography of Adam de Coster (1586 in Mechelen - 4 May 1643 in Antwerp).
Born in 1586 in the Flemish city of Mechelen, a province of Antwerp, he appears to have spent much of his career in Antwerp and became a Master of the Guild of Saint Luke around 1607.
His portrait was reproduced as an engraving in Anthony van Dyck's🎨 Iconography, where he was described as "pictor noctium", signaling that his reputation as a painter of night scenes had firmly been established in Northern Europe by the 1630s.
Although documentary evidence only ever records de Coster outside of Antwerp in 1635 when he visited Hamburg, Nicolson has noted that correspondences between his paintings and the works of the Lombard artist Antonio Campi suggest a possible sojourn to Italy.

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Jack Vettriano, 1951 | Pittore Romantico

Jack Hoggan, noto come Jack Vettriano (Methil, 17 novembre 1951), è un pittore Scozzese di origini italiane, onorato da Elisabetta II d'Inghilterra con l'Ordine dell'Impero Britannico (OBE).


Cresce nella città industriale di Methil, Scozia.
La sua è una famiglia povera: "dovevo dividere un unico letto con mio fratello maggiore" racconta; così il futuro artista è spinto a lavorare fin da ragazzino.
Lasciati gli studi a 16 anni, diviene apprendista minerario e comincia a dipingere negli anni settanta con un set di acquerelli ricevuti in regalo per il suo ventunesimo compleanno.

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Hubert Robert | Visionary painter

Hubert Robert, (born May 22, 1733, Paris, France - died April 15, 1808, Paris), French🎨 landscape painter sometimes called Robert des Ruines because of his many romantic representations of Roman ruins set in idealized surroundings.
Robert left Paris for Rome in 1754 and studied at the French Academy there.
He also met the French painter Jean-Honoré Fragonard in Rome, and in 1760 they traveled together with the Abbé de Saint-Non through southern Italy on a drawing expedition.
Robert developed a strong fascination with architecture and ruins, and he was strongly influenced by Giovanni Battista Piranesi, the renowned etcher of architectural subjects who was then publishing his great collections of etchings of Roman architecture.
Among Robert’s best-known works from his Roman period is a series of red chalk drawings of the gardens at the Villa d’Este, that feature the garden’s dilapidated Classical-style architecture set in an overgrown landscape and animated with small human figures.