Mary Evelina Kindon was a
British🎨 watercolorist,
genre scenes🎨 and urban landscapes painter during the 20th century.
Mary Kindon was born in Victorian London and adopted a style that was being taught in the more progressive continental academies.
Mary Kindon was a frequent exhibitor at the Royal Academy and the Suffolk Street Gallery in London. She also exhibited at the Institute of Painters in Watercolors from 1874.
She often painted mothers and children and seems to have been fond of painting girls in white dresses.
She exhibited widely, including Société des Artistes Français, the Paris Salon, the Society of Women Artists and the Royal Academy. She also exhibited at the Bushey Society of Artists in Rudolph Road.
Bushey Museum has three works by her in its collections.
L'artista Mary Evelina Kindon (
1849-1919) è stata una acquerellista
Britannica🎨, pittrice di
scene di genere🎨 e di paesaggi urbani durante il XX secolo.
Mary Kindon è nata nella Londra vittoriana e ha adottato lo stile che veniva insegnato nelle accademie continentali più progressiste. Ha spesso dipinto mamme e bambini e sembra aver amato dipingere ragazze in abiti bianchi.
Ha esposto ampiamente, tra cui la Société des Artistes Français, il Salone di Parigi, la Society of Women Artists e la Royal Academy.
Ha esposto anche alla Bushey Society of Artists di Rudolph Road. Bushey Museum ha tre sue opere nelle sue collezioni.