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Charles Partridge Adams (1858-1942) Landscape painter

Charles Partridge Adams (January 12, 1858 - October 14, 1942) was a largely self-taught American🎨 landscape artist who painted primarily in Colorado, and secondarily in California. Some paintings were also made in other Rocky Mountain states, the Pacific Northwest and Canada, and a few in Louisiana, the East Coast and Europe.
Adams was born in Franklin, Massachusetts; his family moved to Denver in 1876. In 1877 he began work in the Chain and Hardy bookstore in Denver, and received lessons from Helen Henderson Chain, an artist who had studied with George Inness🎨.
In 1885 he traveled to the East Coast and visited the studios of George Inness and Worthington Whittredge, and in 1888 he traveled to California and visited the studios of William Keith and Thomas Hill.

He traveled to Louisiana in 1890, and to Europe in the summer of 1914. He spent the winter of 1916 in California, and moved to Los Angeles in 1920, and built a second home in Laguna Beach in 1926. He died in Los Angeles.
  • Art
Adams is known for his views of snowy mountain peaks in early morning or sunset light, or wreathed in storm clouds, and for his luminous sunset and twilight paintings of the river bottoms near Denver.
Most of Adams paintings are enhanced by the use of stronger colors than one would find in a photograph. The evening shadows are bluer, the spring grass is greener, the sunsets more strikingly yellow or orange.
He sometimes used very small areas of intense blue and red to enliven a dark shadowed area such as the heart of a clump of willows or the dark base of an aspen tree. He also made the mountains look about twice as tall as they actually look, as if seen through a telephoto lens.
Some of his earlier paintings include animals or human figures, but later paintings do not include them.
Roughly half of Adams paintings are oils and half are watercolors, which he began painting in the early 1890s. Over 950 paintings have been documented.

Charles Partridge Adams (12 gennaio 1858 - 14 ottobre 1942) era un artista paesaggista Americano🎨, in gran parte autodidatta che dipingeva principalmente in Colorado, e secondariamente in California. Alcuni dipinti sono stati realizzati anche in altri stati delle Montagne Rocciose, nel Pacifico nord-occidentale e in Canada, ed in alcuni in Louisiana, nella costa orientale e in Europa.
Adams è nato a Franklin, nel Massachusetts; la sua famiglia si trasferì a Denver nel 1876.
Nel 1877 iniziò a lavorare nel negozio di Chain and Hardy a Denver e ricevette lezioni da Helen Henderson Chain, un'artista che aveva studiato con George Inness🎨.
Nel 1885 viaggiò sulla costa orientale e visitò gli studi di George Inness e Worthington Whittredge, e nel 1888 viaggiò in California dove visitò gli studi di William Keith e Thomas Hill.
Viaggiò in Louisiana nel 1890 e in Europa nell'estate del 1914.
Trascorse l'inverno del 1916 in California, si trasferì a Los Angeles nel 1920 e costruì una seconda casa a Laguna Beach. nel 1926. Morì a Los Angeles.
  • Arte
Adams è noto per le sue vedute sulle cime innevate delle montagne al mattino presto o sulla luce del tramonto, o avvolto da nuvole tempestose, e per il suo luminoso tramonto e le pitture del tramonto sui fondali del fiume vicino a Denver.
La maggior parte dei dipinti di Adams è arricchita dall'uso di colori più forti di quelli che si trovano in una fotografia. Le ombre della sera sono più blu, l'erba primaverile è più verde, i tramonti più sorprendentemente gialli o arancioni.
A volte utilizzava aree minuscole di blu intenso e rosso per animare un'area scura ombreggiata come il cuore di un ciuffo di salici o la base scura di un albero di pioppo tremulo.
Ha anche fatto sembrare le montagne alte circa il doppio di quanto effettivamente sembrano, come se fossero viste attraverso un teleobiettivo.
Alcuni dei suoi primi dipinti includono animali o figure umane, ma i dipinti successivi non li includono.
Circa la metà dei dipinti di Adams sono oli e metà acquerelli, che ha iniziato a dipingere nei primi anni del 1890.

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Thomas Edwin Mostyn | Edwardian Genre / Romantic painter

British painter🎨 Thomas Edwin Mostyn R.O.I., R.W.A., R.C.A., (1864-1930) was born in Liverpool. Raised in Manchester, he studied at the Manchester Academy of Fine Arts.
He had his first local exhibition in 1880, and was showing at the Royal Academy (R.A.) by the age of 29.
Tom Mostyn's work was exhibited at the Royal Academy in 1891 as well as being shown extensively abroad.
Mostyn lived in London and later in Torquay, where he died on 22nd August 1930.
Mostyn is generally known for his scenes depiciting a bold romantisicm based on victorian garden scenes and was strongly influenced by his mentor Sir Hubert Von Herkomer.
Mostyn's paintings are inspirational, his right to be recognised worldwide as a top class artist is purely a matter of time.

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Clemente Tafuri | Genre painter

Clemente Tafuri (Salerno, 1903 - Genoa, 1971) was an Italian painter and illustrator. Nephew of the painter Salerno Raffaele Tafuri.
After completing a course of study at the Academy of Fine Arts in Naples, he began painting early to reveal the attention of critics.
Best known among the twenties and sixties the XX century also as an advertising poster artist, illustrator of postcards and necklaces libraries, often devoted to illustrating World War episodes and he painted a portrait of Crown Prince Umberto II of Savoy and the Queen Elena of Montenegro.

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Michelangelo Buonarroti: "My soul can find no staircase to Heaven unless it be through Earth's loveliness"

"My soul can find no staircase to Heaven unless it be through Earth's loveliness".
"The best artist has that thought alone which is contained within the marble shell; The sculptor's hand can only break the spell To free the figures slumbering in the stone".
"The best of artists has no conception that the marble alone does not contain within itself".

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Victor Nizovtsev, 1965 | Magic Realism painter

Виктор Низовцев is a Russian painter, a master of whimsical and narrative art. Subjects include fantasy landscapes, russian folklore, theatre and mermaids.
Victor’s art can be highly symbolic with hidden clues to help decipher the images. His work can also be humbly simple with images and subjects of universal appeal.
They can be equally viewed for their vibrant textured colors that fill the canvas and contrast with the translucent glazes that make the paintings dance with light and pull in those who view it.