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Francisco Goya | Life and Artworks

From The Metropolitan Museum of Art:

Francisco José de Goya y Lucientes (1746-1828) is regarded as the most important Spanish artist of the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. Over the course of his long career, Goya moved from jolly and lighthearted to deeply pessimistic and searching in his paintings, drawings, etchings, and frescoes.
Born in Fuendetodos, he later moved with his parents to Saragossa and, at age fourteen, began studying with the painter José Luzán Martínez (1710-1785).
In 1746, the year of Goya’s birth, the Spanish crown was under the rule of Ferdinand VI.
Subsequently, the Bourbon king Charles III (r. 1759-88) ruled the country as an enlightened monarch sympathetic to change, employing ministers who supported radical economic, industrial, and agricultural reform. Goya came to artistic maturity during this age of enlightenment.

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Salvador Dali | Self-portraits

Salvador Dalí started to paint self-portraits very early on.
In the ones made during adolescence, Dalí represents himself with a distant attitude towards his companions, but at the same time wishing to make an impact on them (or to provoke them) and on the public in general.
Like other adolescents, he sought through his appearance an affirmation of his own personality, wearing long hair and sideburns, and dressing extravagantly.

Salvador Dali 1941 Soft self-portrait with grilled Bacon

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Akzhana Abdaliyeva, 1975 | Pittrice cubista

Akzhana Abdaliyeva è una pittrice pluripremiata proveniente da AlmaTa, nel Kazakistan.
E' membro dell'Unione creativa degli artisti del Kazakistan.
Oggi ha un dottorato in Belle Arti.
Le sue opere sono in collezioni private in Svizzera, Kazakistan, Germania, Stati Uniti e in altri paesi.

- "Fin dalla mia infanzia sono cresciuta con una matita e un pennello in mano. Ora alle mie spalle ho 25 anni di istruzione.

Abdalieva Akzhan [Акжана Абдалиева] | Kazakhstan painter

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Jean-Pierre Alaux (1925-2020) | Surrealist painter

Jean-Pierre Alaux, born in La Ciotat, was a French painter belonging to the "young painters of the School of Paris".
Son of the painter François Alaux, Jean -Pierre Alaux after high school among Dominicans in Arcachon and the Marists in La Seyne -sur -Mer, is eligible for assistance from the top of Fine Arts National School in Paris where he worked in the studio of Jean Dupas from 1943-1949 where you can find Joseph Archepel Paul Ambille Paul Collomb, Mickaël Companion, Geoffroy Dauvergne, Dechezelle Claude Garand, Paul Guiramand Roland GuillaumeL, Lolichon, Pettit, André Pedoussaut André Plisson, Rogert, Roverchon, Someton, Tournaire Van Tea.

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Alex Stevenson Diaz, 1962 | Abstract painter

Alex Stevenson Diaz is an artist with appreciation of the human, which communicates through expressive poses the inner struggle of man with himself, his yearnings for freedom, their prisons and bonds.
Anatomies which express the hardness in a baroque miguelangelesco. The tension of his hands and fingers or the rigidity of the neck muscles in head turns back, giving way to an energy that comes from the inside more visceral.