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Marie-France Boisvert, 1976 | Abstract figurative painter

Born in Saguenay-Lac St-Jean, Marie-France Boisvert capitalizes more than twenty years of experience as a painter and a sculptress. In 1997, she obtained a bachelor in Design from Laval University in Quebec City and in 2004, she completed another bachelor in Interdisciplinary sculpture at the University of Quebec in Chicoutimi.
Finally, in 2008, she confirmed her artistic approach with a master's degree in Creation from the same university.
Now working in Montreal, Marie-France Boisvert continues with the same enthusiasm to accumulate awards, mentions and peer recognition with exhibits in Canada, the United States and Europe.

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Dylan Lisle, 1978 | Figurative painter

Dylan Lisle’s work maintains a contemporary dynamism through his old masterly representations of the female form.
Knots and swathes of vibrant, passionate fabric envelope his sensuous figures, or otherwise are the subject of larger studies, which draw upon chiaroscuro, reminiscent of Caravaggio🎨, Rembrandt🎨, Vermeer🎨 and Rubens🎨.

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Eduard Zentsik, 1975 | Symbolist / Surrealist painter

The Estonian painter Eduard Zentsik is an prolific artist of many faces.
He’s developed radically different artistic personas, refusing to link his name to a single signature style, technique, or theme. Instead, Zentsik mixes genres and media and playfully subverts the traditions of old.
Zentsik’s oeuvre is as enormous as it’s diverse.
Some of his endeavors, focus on physical metamorphoses and flourishes of the flesh.

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Vittorio Dangelico, 1965 | Impressionist Figurative painter

Italian painter Vidan, born Vittorio Dangelico in Perugia, showed artistic talent and a great passion for art at a very early age.
Encouraged by his parents and his uncle, world renowned artist Pino Dangelico, or Pino, he trained at some of the finest schools in Italy, including Liceo Artistico di Milano, as well as the Accademia delle belle Arti.
When Pino moved to the US in 1979, Vidan followed in 1988.

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Renato Guttuso | Expressionist painter

Renato Guttuso (1912-1987) Italian painter and polemicist, the leader of the Social Realist group in Italy.
Born in Bagheria, near Palermo (Sicily).
Abandoned law studies in 1931, to devote himself to painting. In Rome 1933-4 associated with Cagli, Mafai, Fazzini and others who were reacting against Novecento neoclassicism, then lived 1935-6 in Milan in contact with Birolli, Fontana and Persico. Settled in Rome 1937.
Painted the 'Flight from Etna', his first large realist composition of contemporary Italian life, 1937-8.