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Dorina Costras, 1967 | Surrealist Figurative painter

Dorina Costras was born in Iasi, Romania.
Costras worked as a designer and as teacher of fine arts. Now I collaborate with decorating companies as indoor designer and I paint.
I like to transpose on canvas inner states, to interpret and render them.
I paint from imagination and the favorite theme whereat revert again and again is costumes and masks of carnival and also a fantastic universe with the atmosphere of the story away from our days. I alternate between them depending on my mood and inspiration of the moment.

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Oleg Korolev, 1968 | Visionary painter

Oleg Korolev /Олег Королёв, is Russian artist whose paintings have been exhibited and represented in the private and corporate art collections of Russia, Europe, North America, and Australia.
Since 1979 studied in the Studio of the Classical Drawing (Vilnius, Lithuanian SSR).
In 1981 in the Art Studio and in the Art School (Yevpatoria, Ukrainian SSR).
From 1984-1990 he studied and graduated from the Crimean Art College in Simferopol (Ukrainian SSR).

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Rolando Cubero, 1957 | Figurative painter

Cubero's career as a painter began in 1975 with a work by surrealist tendency.
Since then his paintings began to exhibit in both Costa Rica and international exhibitions in Central America.
For the 80's his work falls under the influence of Latin American magical realism and is shown in galleries and events in Venezuela, Colombia, Panama, Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala and México.

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Wassily Kandinsky | Art Quotes / Aforismi sull'arte

Ogni opera d'arte è figlia del suo tempo e spesso è madre della nostra sensibilità.
Every work of art is the child of its age and, in many cases, the mother of our emotions.
Color is a power which directly influences the soul.
Color provokes a psychic vibration. Color hides a power still unknown but real, which acts on every part of the human body.
L'arte oltrepassa i limiti nei quali il tempo vorrebbe comprimerla, ed indica il contenuto del futuro.
Il colore è un mezzo di esercitare sull'anima un'influenza diretta. Il colore è un tasto, l'occhio il martelletto che lo colpisce, l'anima lo strumento dalle mille corde.
An empty canvas is a living wonder... far lovelier than certain pictures.
Mi sembrava che l'anima viva dei colori emettesse un richiamo musicale, quando l'inflessibile volontà del pennello strappava loro una parte di vita.

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David Graux, 1970 | Abstract Figurative painter

David Graux was born in Besançon, France, where he still lives and works.
He has experimented with different styles before finding his own unique artistic touch.
His main subject is the beauty and mystery of woman, evoked both through his sensual nudes and through the symbolic richness and Oriental motifs of his colorful backgrounds.
His paintings are, in effect, forms of tangible poetry. Even David Graux’s titles exude poetry, let alone his evocative art.