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Roberto Ferri, 1978 | Baroque style painter

Roberto Ferri born in Taranto, Italy. Inspired deeply by Baroque painters, especially Caravaggio and other Old Masters of Romanticism, Academism and Symbolism (David, Ingres, Girodet, Gericault, Gleyre, Bouguereauv, Moreau, Redon, Rops, etc.) Graduated - with Honors - Academy of Fine Arts in Rome.

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Jeanette Guichard Bunel, 1957 | Pop Surrealist painter

" - Tough my painting I wish to transpose the visitor to the world of dreams.
I would like to have sensitivity predominate over reasoning by inciting the viewer to see further than appearances…
I would like to establish extra-verbal and extra-sensorial communication between us by removing the barriers of rationalism".

French painter🎨 Jeannette Guichard-Bunel wants to take her spectators on a dream like journey through her paintings. She wants to give supremacy to reasoning so that the spectator can analyze and go beyond appearances.
She likes to establish an extra-verbal and extra sensorial communication with her public and erase the barriers of rationalism. Her characters try to catch the spectator's eye and attract him to a world where time stands still and has boundless space.

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Sinisha Kashawelski, 1969 | Pittore Surrealista

Sinisha Kashawelski è un pittore multipremiato Macedone, che vive e lavora a Kumanovo, in Macedonia del Nord.
I dipinti di Kashawelski hanno uno stile prevalentemente surrealista, sebbene debba molto della sua ispirazione alla tradizione pittorica macedone.
Il realismo incontra il surrealismo: Kashawelski combina le tendenze realiste, più viste nel lavoro degli Antichi Maestri con elementi surrealisti del passato, del futuro e del presente dell'artista.
Le opere di Kashawelski sono eseguite ad olio e principalmente su tela, ma occasionalmente lavora su pannelli di legno.

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Felix Ziem | The Barbizon school of painters

Félix Ziem (1821-1911) was a French painter in the style of the Barbizon School.
He was born Félix-Francois Georges Philibert Ziem in Beaune in the Côte-d'Or département of the Burgundy région of France.
His mother was a native of Burgundy who married an immigrant. Originally, Ziem planned to be an architect and studied at the School of Architecture in Dijon, and for a time worked as an architect.

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Drew Darcy, 1976 | Figurative / Pop Art painter

Drew Darcy, British painter, was born in Shrewsbury in 1976.
I am the eldest of twin boys. Being the son of a doctor and a nurse, I always felt in safe hands right from the start. My artistic flare may well have been passed down from my mother's side. She was one of a family of ten children.
Music and art was a central part of growing up in Dublin.
My grandfather was from five generations of tailors and trained in Saville Row to become a bespoke tailor.
He had three shops in Ireland, one of which was in historical Kilmainham, Dublin.