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Nikolai Blokhin, 1968 | Night in Chicago

Born in Saint Petersburg, Russia, this young master has emerged as one of the most important artists of his time.
Trained first at the district art school before entering the Repin Institute, Blokhin attained a solid academic foundation in art which can be traced, admired and interpreted today in some of Russia’s famous masters from the turn of the 20th century.
While cultivating ideals realised by many of his predecessors in Russian art theory, Blokhins’ search towards a traditional expressive language consumed him in his early academic years.
It was not until he entered the Academy of Arts that he began to search the canons of those who broke with tradition and shook up thematic artistic views, that he found his own distinct style.

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Maria Boohtiyarova / Andrei Belichenko

Andrei Belichenko e Maria Boohtiyarova sono artisti contemporanei le cui opere sono chiamate "il fascino della gioventù".
L'ariosità delle opere di questo duetto è sorprendente, a dimostrazione del contatto e della tenerezza delle loro relazioni reciproche. I dipinti sono molto toccanti, delicati e costringono il cuore a battere un po' più veloce...

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Peter Bell, 1969 | Impressionist painter

Peter Bell’s ethereal Impressionist style🎨 permeates his idyllic European coastal scenes. His brushwork and palette showcase the subtleties of light and atmosphere in gauzy skies, lush gardens, charming buildings and glistening waters.
Born in Washington, D.C., Bell was educated at the Brooklyn Museum Art School and the National Art School in his hometown. He was initially a department-store commercial artist and freelancer before devoting himself to full-time painting and teaching. Bell’s critically acclaimed work adorns numerous private collections and has received many awards🎨.

"His reflections are fantastic. His brush is alive, specifically the strength of the light with which he gives life to each painting. The combination of brush and palette strokes are unique and are barely visible. His canvasses are full of strength and emotion". These are the words of a European art critic describing the works of Peter Bell.
Born in 1969 in Washington, DC, Peter Bell began drawing and painting in grammar school. After US Navy service, he attended the Brooklyn Museum Art School and the National Art School in Washington DC. His career began as a professional backdrop and poster painter for a department store chain.
He also illustrated booklets and brochures for them. Finally after working many years as a commercial artist in Washington and as a free lance artist in southern Georgia, he built himself a comfortable studio in Florida and settled down to a life of painting and teaching. He is represented in many private collections and his showings of paintings of scenes from his numerous trips abroad have brought him several awards and ribbons.

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Henri-Edmond Cross | Neo-Impressionist painter

Henri-Edmond Cross, born Henri-Edmond-Joseph Delacroix, (20 May 1856 - 16 May 1910) was a French painter🎨 and printmaker.
He is most acclaimed as a master of Neo-Impressionism🎨, and he played an important role in shaping the second phase of that movement.
He was very influential to Henri Matisse🎨 and many other artists, and his work was an instrumental influence in the development of Fauvism.

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Odilon Redon | Farfalle, 1910

Prima del 1900, Odilon Redon realizzava disegni quasi esclusivamente in bianco e nero; in seguito iniziò a concentrarsi su dipinti e pastelli dai colori sensuali.
Molti dei suoi ultimi lavori a colori hanno preso le piccole bellezze della natura, come farfalle, conchiglie e fiori, come oggetti di contemplazione e li hanno presentati con un'intensità fantastica.