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Lucio Amitrano, 1950 | Figurative painter

Italian painter Lucio Amitrano, is one of the most famous contemporary masters of Italian art.
Art teacher currently lives and works in his villa on the island of Capri. In her works she establishes a compositional complexity combined with great expressive color: it undoubtedly pretends to capture her personal experience and an idealized reality of the female world.
Wizard sets compositional complexity, combined with the large expressive color.
Lucio unusual, no doubt, from personal experience, to explore the reality of their experiences and the reality of the rest of your dreams.

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Charles Bukowski | I can't stop thinking about you / Non ho smesso di pensarti

I have not stopped thinking about you,
I’d love to tell you.
I would like write to you and say that I would go back,
that I miss you
and I think of you.
But I do not look for you.
I do not write you, even hello.
I do not know how you are.
And I miss knowing it.

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Kim Roberti, 1950 | Impressionist Figurative painter

"I love painting...it's my life! I love the endless series of tasks exploring the abstract elements of lines, shapes, values, colors, textures and edges!"
Kim Roberti - Vietnamese-born American painter⏩ - was born and reared in the Southern region of Vietnam.
She immigrated to the United States in 1966 at the age of 16. Since that time she has lived in many areas of the US and other countries around the world.

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Mariska Karto, 1971 | Baroque style Photographer

Mariska Karto is a American photographer/illustrator born in Suriname, South-America and raised in Holland.
Karto started her artistic photography in 2010 with the urge to express her inner world.
She mainly inspired by the old world (loving the magic of the old and dusty world), the magic of woman and the struggle of human emotions.

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Yuri Yarosh, 1969 | Figurative painter

Born in Belarus Юрий Ярош currently lives and works in Spain.
It is without any doubt, also a great artist, a master in the realm of color.
According to Yuri, he has been painting since childhood, following the traditions of classic painters of Russian art school.
His beautiful, colorful paintings of women portraits, horses and still life decorate different galleries and stored in private collections.