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Nietzsche e la "Carmen" di Bizet

"La musica non è un’arte ma una categoria dello spirito umano", scriveva Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (1844-1900), filosofo, aforista, saggista, poeta, compositore, accademico e filologo tedesco.
Tra i massimi filosofi di ogni tempo, Friedrich Nietzsche ebbe un'influenza controversa e indiscutibile sul pensiero filosofico, letterario e politico del Novecento. La sua filosofia è considerata da alcuni uno spartiacque fra la filosofia tradizionale ed un nuovo modello di riflessione, informale e provocatoria.

Edouard Manet - Carmen in Bizet's opera
Edouard Manet 1832-1883 - Carmen in Bizet's opera

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Jafar Petgar (1920-2005) | Genre painter

Jafar Petgar (1920-2005) was one of the most influential Iranian Old Masters.
His work, a dozen at the Tehran Museum of Contemporary Art, shows this gifted artist achieved the mastery of his craft at an early age (see his painting of his mother while he was only 17).

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Osamu Obi, 1965 | Figurative/Portrait painter

Japanese painter⏭ 小尾 修 Osamu Obi was born in Kanagawa, Japan.
  • 1988 - Graduated from Musashino Art University, Department of Oil Painting;
  • 1990 - Completed Master's Degree Program in Oil Painting, Musashino Art University;
  • 1991 - Exhibition of Grand Prize Paintings, Tokyo Central Museum. Awarded Grand Prize;
  • 1993 - Participated in Yasui Prize Exhibition;
  • 1996 - Participated in Exchange Exhibition between South Korean and Japanese Oil Painters (Yokohama and Seoul).
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Henri-Joseph Harpignies | The Barbizon school of painters

HARPIGNIES, Henri-Joseph (born June 28, 1819, Valenciennes, France-died Aug. 28, 1916, Saint-Prive), French landscape painter, born at Valenciennes in 1819, was intended by his parents for a business career, but his determination to become an artist was so strong that it conquered all obstacles, and he was allowed at the age of twenty-seven to enter Achard's atelier in Paris.
From this painter he acquired a groundwork of sound constructive draughtsmanship, which is so marked a feature of his landscape painting.
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Pierre-Auguste Renoir | Le Bras Vif à Choissy, 1911

Artist: Pierre-Auguste Renoir⏩ (French painter⏭, 1841-1919)
Title: Le Bras Vif à Choissy , 1911
Medium: oil on canvas
Size: 32.38 x 54.29 cm. (12.7 x 21.4 in.)