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Konstantin Gorbatov | Post-impressionist painter

Kонстантин Иванович Горбатов (1876-1945) was a Russian post-impressionist painter.
Gorbatov was born in the small Volga river town of Stavropol. After initially studying architecture at the St. Petersburg Academy of Fine Arts, he transferred to the painting department where he studied under Nikolai Dubovskoy and Aleksandr Kiselev, though he was most influenced by Ilya Repin and Arkhip Kuindzhi.
In 1911, Gorbatov was officially granted the title of Artist and awarded a gold medal at an international exhibition in Munich.

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Carl Vilhelm Holsøe | Interior scenes with figures

Carl Vilhelm Holsøe (1863-1935) is a very much respected artist of the Danish school. Holsøe became a well-listed, highly acclaimed artist.
Escaping from the sentimentality of Golden Age interiors, Holsoe and his contemporaries imbued this traditional genre with a sense of timeless sanctity.
Through the depiction of solitary, usually female, figures with concealed identities, Holsoe's paintings evoke the brooding nature of introspection and self-absorption.
His work, influenced by the 17th Century interiors of the Dutch masters Vermeer, de Hooch and ter Borch, explored the emotional content inherent in the household interior.

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Vincent van Gogh | View of the Church of Saint-Paul-de-Mausole, 1889

Title: View of the Church of Saint-Paul-de-Mausole
Date: Saint-Rémy, Autumn 1889
Medium: oil on canvas
Dimensions: 45.1 × 60.4 cm (17.7 × 23.7 in)
Collection: Elizabeth Taylor, Los Angeles, California, United States of America, North America

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Jaroslav Seifert / John Singer Sargent | Viaggio a Venezia

Si può dire forse cosí:
l’amore va e va e va
e non v’è angolo
dove non sia a casa sua.
E i baci si allungano veloci
come a primavera le giornate.

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Andrea Mantegna (1431-1506)

Mantegna, Andrea - Pittore ed incisore padovano, nato nel 1431, probabilmente a Isola di Carturo, allora in territorio di Vicenza, morto a Mantova il 13 settembre 1506. Fu l'iniziatore del Rinascimento nel Veneto e il rinnovatore della pittura nell'Italia settentrionale.
Era figlio di contadini; ne scoprì il genio e lo indirizzò all'arte Francesco Squarcione; strana figura di pittore e più di pedagogo e d'imprenditore, arrivato all'arte a trentadue anni dalla sartoria, a cui la vecchia storiografia, per vanità provinciale, assegnò il compito d'inventore d'un rinascimento particolare, non possibile in una terra ancora sotto il fascino pieno dell'arte bizantina e della gotica, e che il mondo non ebbe se non da Firenze.