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Wendy Mould | Magical Realism painter

Wendy Mould is an British painter**, illustrator and sculptor. She studied at both Ipswich and Norwich Art Schools specializing in sculpture.
Since then she has also worked on painting and illustration. In turn this has led to a number of related projects including both writing and illustrating the children’s book ‘Ants in my Pants’. Wendy also designs fabric and textiles.

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Jacques Majorelle | Orientalist painter

Jacques Majorelle (1886-1962), son of the celebrated Art Nouveau furniture designer Louis Majorelle, was a French painter.
He studied at the École des Beaux-Arts in Nancy in 1901 and later at the Académie Julian in Paris with Schommer and Royer.
Majorelle became a noted Orientalist painter, but is most remembered for constructing the villa and gardens that now carry his name, the Majorelle Garden in Marrakech.

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Anna Marinova, 1983

Russian painter🎨 Анна Маринова was born in St. Petersburg. In 2000 - 2004 studied in St. Petersburg Roerich College of Art.
In 2010 graduated from Repin🎨 State Academic Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture. Studies in the faculty of painting, easel painting workshop of prof. Sokolov.

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Giorgio Belloni | Neo-Impressionist Seascape painter

Giorgio Belloni (Codogno (Lodi), 1861 - Azzano di Mezzegra (Como), 1944) was an Italian painter**.
A pupil of Giuseppe Bertini at the Brera Academy, Belloni made his debut in 1879 with two perspective views of interiors. After a stay in Verona, during which he painted his first landscapes en plein air, he settled in Milan, where he established himself as a landscape painter as from 1882.
The success achieved in Venice at the Esposizione Nazionale Artistica di Venezia of 1887 made him known beyond the regional borders.

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William Shakespeare: "Non vi è corazza più forte di un cuore incontaminato!"

Ford Madox Brown - Romeo and Juliet
Ford Madox Brown - Romeo and Juliet

  • Che peccato che ai matti non sia permesso di parlare saggio di ciò che i saggi fanno pazzamente!
  • La bellezza tenta i ladri più dell'oro.
  • Io considero il mondo per quello che è: un palcoscenico dove ognuno deve recitare la sua parte.
  • Tutto il mondo è un teatro e tutti gli uomini e le donne non sono che attori: essi hanno le loro uscite e le loro entrate; e una stessa persona, nella sua vita, rappresenta diverse parti…