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Karen Dupré | Fashion painter

Karen Dupré, American painter, was born in California. She is a self-taught artist whose first inspiration stemmed from her interest in horses.
This fascination quickly led her to translate the splendor of these animals and other wildlife through drawing.
At age nine, Dupré began working in pastels, which soon progressed into the use of other mediums - primarily acrylic paints.
Since her early years as an artist, Dupré has broadened her repertoire to include landscapes, still life imagery, and figures, while never abandoning the wildlife that first sparked her imagination.

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Leonardo da Vinci | Salvator Mundi, 1499

Salvator Mundi is a painting of Christ as Salvator Mundi (Savior of the World), which has been attributed by some scholars as a work by Leonardo da Vinci** since its rediscovery in 2005. This attribution has been rejected by other specialists.

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Rabindranath Tagore | Sonno /Sleep

Antonio Tordesillas, 1960

Nel tuo sonno, al limite dei sogni,
aspetto guardando in silenzio il tuo viso,
come la stella del mattino che appare per prima
alla tua finestra.
Con i miei occhi berrò' il primo sorriso
che, come un germoglio, sboccerà'
sulle tue labbra semiaperte.
Il mio desiderio e' solo questo...

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Evgeniy Monahov, 1974 | VideoArt

Evgeniy Monahov è un pittore Russo, laureato presso il Collegio d'Arte di Mosca.
Nel 2001 espone le sue opere nella prestigiosa galleria californiana Richard Thomas.
Da quel momento in poi i suoi quadri hanno iniziato a viaggiare in tutto il mondo.
Il lavoro di Evgeniy si ispira principalmente ai pittori dell’Impressionismo: pennellate rapide e allentate per dare dettagli e “sostanza” ai suoi soggetti.

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Dante Gabriel Rossetti | Lovesight / Visione d'Amore


When do I see thee most, beloved one?
When in the light the spirits of mine eyes
Before thy face, their altar, solemnize
The worship of that Love through thee made known?
Or when in the dusk hours (we two alone)
Close-kissed and eloquent of still replies
Thy twilight-hidden glimmering visage lies,
And my soul only sees thy soul its own?