
Vilhelm Hammershøi | Interior / Portrait painter

Vilhelm Hammershøi (1864-1916) was a Danish painter. He is known for his poetic, subdued portraits and interiors.
In 1997, Denmark issued a postage stamp in his honour.


Vilhelm Hammershøi was born iin Copenhagen, Denmark.
The son of a well-to-do merchant, Christian Hammershøi, and his wife, Frederikke (née Rentzmann), Hammershøi studied drawing from the age of eight with Niels Christian Kierkegaard and Holger Grønvold, as well as painting with Vilhelm Kyhn, before embarking on studies with Frederik Vermehren and others at the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts.



Pascal Dagnan-Bouveret | Le pardon en Bretagne, 1886

From: Metropolitan Museum of Art
Like many of his contemporaries, Dagnan-Bouveret** was fascinated by the religious customs of Brittany in northern France.
In this scene, penitents wearing traditional regional dress proceed solemnly around a church; some go barefoot or kneel to demonstrate remorse.

Annotated drawings on the reverse of the canvas indicate that the painter’s wife posed for the young woman in the foreground; the mother of an artist friend appears at left.



Arnold Bocklin | Stile pittorico

Arnold Böcklin (1827-1901) è stato un pittore, disegnatore, scultore e grafico Svizzero, nonché uno dei principali esponenti del simbolismo tedesco.

Dalla Svizzera all'Italia

Arnold Böcklin nacque il 16 ottobre 1827 a Basilea, figlio di Christian Friedrich Böcklin, noto mercante della seta nativo di Sciaffusa, e di Ursula Lipp, celebre discendente di una famiglia che annoverava tra i propri avi Johann Jacob Lippe e Hans Holbein il Giovane.
Inizialmente destinato a seguire le orme paterne, grazie all'intercessione della madre e del poeta Wilhelm Wackernagel (professore al ginnasio e all'università di Basilea) il giovane Arnold fu in grado di assecondare la sua più autentica vocazione artistica, andando nel 1845 a studiare all'Accademia di Belle Arti di Düsseldorf.



Meredith Frampton | Art Deco painter

George Vernon Meredith Frampton RA (17 March 1894 - 16 September 1984) was a British painter and etcher, successful as a portraitist in the 1920s.
His artistic career was short and his output limited because his eyesight began to fail in the 1950s, but his work is on display at the National Portrait Gallery, Tate Gallery and Imperial War Museum.



Mike Ludlow | Pin-up illustrator

Mike Ludlow (1921-2010), American illustrator, was born in 1921 and grew up in Buffalo, New York. He attended the Art Students League, where he studied with William McNulty.
His first commercial art assignment, for the Sunday supplement of the Journal American, came in 1948.
From the beginning, Ludlow has specialized in glamorous subjects and made beautiful women his trademark.
