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Carne Griffiths, 1973 | Abstract | Portrait painter

Carne Griffiths* is an British illustrator* known for working in the Abstract style*.
Griffiths creates amazing portraits of individuals and combined with fantasy elements with uncommon mediums, notably materials such as wisky, tea, and brandy.

For biographical notes -in english and italian- and other works by Griffiths see:
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Michael Van Zeyl, 1969 | Portrait / Magic Realism painter

For Michael Van Zeyl, portraiture is much more than a one-sided translation of the artist’s point of view taking form in a subject. It’s an engaging visual dialogue that renders a soul in light, shadow and pigment, continuing the conversation for future generations to appreciate.
While technical skill and accurate rendering are only part of Michael’s gift, his experience has honed his craft to the highest standard.

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Stefano Di Stasio, 1948 | The Anacronisti group painters

Stefano Di Stasio is an Italian visual artist who was born in 1948 in Naples, Italy.
He lives and works in Rome and Spoleto.
Di Stasio participated in the Quadriennale di Roma in 1986, 1992 and 2000.
He participated in the Biennale di Venezia, with his personal space, in 1984 and 1995.

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Bruce Wolfe, 1941 | Figurative sculptor / painter

Bruce Wolfe is a master of the arts who specializes in life-sized bronze sculpture, bronze busts, figurative art, painting, illustration and drawing.
Bruce Wolfe’s career in sculpture spans forty years of receiving commissions to do busts and figurative portraits of many notable personalities.
He studied art at San Jose State University and the Art Institute of San Francisco.
He also studied with Bettina Steinke and Bruno Lucchesi*.

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Claude Monet | The Gardens

A passionate horticulturalist, Claude Monet's garden became a work of art as well as a subject for his paintings.

For biographical notes -in english and italian- and other Gardens painting by Monet see: