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Bulent Kilic 1974 | Seascape / Cityscape painter

Bülent Kılıç was born in Tekirdağ, Turkey.
His early interest was observing the world in charcoal and later fast car designs. These two combinations helped him develop his creative talent.
While he was attending Trakya University to become a teacher, he also pursed his passion by attending the Industrial Design Division at Mimar Sinan University.
His freelance creations brought attention and award* both locally and internationally.

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Claude Monet | Summer landscapes

The following collection include the Landscape - Summer - Beach paintings by French Impressionist painter Claude-Oscar Monet (Parigi, 14 novembre 1840 - Giverny, 5 dicembre 1926).

For biographical notes -in english and italian- by Monet see:

For other works by Monet see:

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Ans Schumacher, 1941 | Portrait painter

Ans Schumacher was born in Leyden, Netherlands. Lives and works in Oegstgeest - Netherlands.
Ans Schumacher paints enlarged portraits (blow-ups) in oil on canvas. There are no irrelevant backgrounds.
The faces are a reflection of our time trough their "glossy"and sophisticated outlook.
Altough the style is realistic with a link to pop-art, it's also abstract because of the glossyness and anonymity of the portrayed.
Ans Schumacher exhibited in the Netherlands as well as Germany, France, Belgium, Sweden and Spain.

Ans Schumacher 1941 | Hollandaise Portrait painter

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Nikolai Blokhin [Николай Блохин] 1968 | Pittore impressionista

Nato a San Pietroburgo, in Russia, il maestro Nikolai Blokhin è emerso come uno degli artisti più importanti del suo tempo.
Formatosi prima presso la scuola d'arte distrettuale prima di entrare al Repin Institute, Blokhin ha raggiunto una solida base accademica nell'arte che può essere rintracciata, ammirata e interpretata oggi in alcuni dei famosi maestri russi dell'inizio del XX secolo.
Mentre coltivava gli ideali realizzati da molti dei suoi predecessori nella teoria dell'arte russa, la ricerca di Blokhins verso un linguaggio espressivo tradizionale lo consumò nei suoi primi anni accademici.
Fu solo quando entrò all'Accademia delle Arti che iniziò a cercare i canoni di coloro che rompevano con la tradizione e sconvolgevano le visioni artistiche tematiche, che trovò il proprio stile distinto.

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Pal Fried | Ballet Dancers

The following collection include the Ballet dancer paintings by Hungarian-born American painter* Pál Fried (1893-1976).
He was heavily influenced by the French impressionist school of Renoir and Degas.

For biographical notes -in english and italian- and other works by Fried see: