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Bryce Liston, 1965 | Children's Art

"The artist has within himself the power to convey the idea of what it means to be human" - Bryce Liston.

Bryce Cameron Liston is an  full time professional artist, who have received multiple prestigious awards*.
Bryce Liston is a self taught artist born in Utah in 1965.
For biographical notes -in english and italian- and other works by Liston see: 
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Christopher Clark | Jazz, Music and Dance

Christopher Clark è stato un artista sin dalla prima infanzia, quando guardava Bob Ross su PBS ed imitava l'arte del famoso pittore ad olio con i pastelli.
Si considera un artista autodidatta, con i suoi studi che spaziano dalla formazione personale con maestri contemporanei, alla tecnica dell'arte accademica classica, con molta ispirazione dall'arte del XIX secolo e dal movimento impressionista.
Christopher ha vissuto in Italia per un certo periodo, immergendosi nella cultura e nell'arte italiana, che continua ad influenzare la sua pittura.

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Christopher Clark | Storyteller painter

Christopher Clark’s goal is to tell your story. His paintings resonate, showing you a world you’ve longed to live in, or recalling a memory from years past.
He specializes in painting light itself, which lends to this sense of belonging and captivation people experience in his paintings. Christopher is a licensed painter for Lucasfilm, Marvel, 20th Century Fox and Disney International, and is collected by George Lucas.

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Francesco Hayez / Shakespeare | The Kiss, 1859

Let me not to the marriage of true minds
Love is not love Which alters when it alteration finds,
Or bends with the remover to remove: O no! it is an
ever-fixed mark That looks on tempests and is never shaken;

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Laura Lee Zanghetti | Figurative Impressionist painter

Award winning artist Laura Lee Zanghetti is a self taught artist who mainly works in oils.
Her favorite subjects vary from beach scenes to cityscapes and her latest.... "umbrella ladies".
She's been painting full time for the past 13 years in her home studio in Walpole.
Laura has won many awards including First Place at Canton's Spring Show 2011 and Best of Show and First Place at the Art in the Park Show in Norwood.