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The Marathon Boy, 340-330 bc | Underwater discoveries

  • National Archaeological Museum in Athens, Greece
  • Marathon Youth or Ephebe of Marathon. 
  • Bronze statue of a young athlete, found in the sea near Marathon (Attic coast). 
  • The left hand was replaced at a later date by another shaped as a lamp. 
  • Work of the Praxiteles school, ca. 340-330 B.C.
  • Dimensions H. 1.3 m (4 ft. 3 in.)
  • Accession number X 15118
  • Department of Sculptures
The Marathon Boy or Ephebe of Marathon is a Greek bronze sculpture found in the Aegean Sea in the bay of Marathon in 1925. It is conserved in the National Archaeological Museum of Athens where it is dated to around 340-330 BC. The Museum suggests that the subject is the winner of an athletic competition.

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Andre Kohn, 1972 | Impressionist Figurative painter

The precise convergence of three dynamic forces, culture, environment and talent, combined to produce one of the most collected figurative painters on the American art scene today.
Raised by an artistically gifted family near the Caspian Sea in southern Russia, Andre Kohn's childhood was marked by the natural splendor of mountains and sea, and by an unfettered access to all the creative arts.
His mother was a symphony violinist and his father a noted linguist, writer and sculptor.
Both were educators trained in psychology who gave their only child unrestricted opportunity to explore the depths of art and his own obvious talent.

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Leonardo da Vinci | A treatise on painting

Science of painting

Leonardo’s advocacy of a science of painting is best displayed in his notebook writings under the general heading “On Painting”.
The notebooks provide evidence that, among many projects he planned, he intended to write a treatise discussing painting.
After inheriting Leonardo’s vast manuscript legacy in 1519, it is believed that, sometime before 1542, Melzi extracted passages from them and organized them into the Trattato della pittura [In italian] ➤ (“Treatise on Painting”) that is attributed to Leonardo.

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Leonardo da Vinci | Dell'obbligo che ha la scultura col lume, e non la pittura

Trattato della Pittura
Parte prima | Capitolo 38

Se la scultura avrà il lume di sotto parrà cosa mostruosa e strana; questo non accade alla pittura, che tutte le parti porta con sé.

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Leonardo da Vinci | Dell'orizzonte

Trattato della Pittura - Parte ottava | Capitoli 235-258

927. Qual sia il vero sito dell'orizzonte.
928. Dell'orizzonte.
929. Del vero orizzonte.
930. Dell'orizzonte.
931. Dell'orizzonte.
932. Se l'occhio che vede l'orizzonte marittimo, stando co' piedi alla pelle di esso mare, vede esso orizzonte più basso di sé.
933. Dell'orizzonte specchiato nell'acqua corrente.
934. Dove l'orizzonte si specchia nell'onda.
935. Perché l'aria grossa vicina all'orizzonte si fa rossa.