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Rob Gonsalves | Magic realism painter

Robert "Rob" Gonsalves (1959-2017) was an award winning Canadian painter of magic realism -surrealism.
He produces original works, limited edition prints and illustrations for his own books.

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Caravaggio | The crowning with thorns, 1607

Title: The Crowning with Thorns;
Painted by: Caravaggio;
Location: Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna, Austria;
Dimensions: 64.96 inch wide x 50.00 inch high;

The Vienna Crowning with Thorns is a painting by the Italian master Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio. Executed probably in 1607, it is now located in the Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna.
According to Caravaggio's biographer Giovanni Bellori a Crowning with Thorns was made for Caravaggio's patron Vincenzo Giustiniani, and this painting can be traced convincingly to the Giustiniani collection.

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Michelangelo | La Cappella Sistina | La Volta, 1508-1512

La decisione di Giulio II di rifare integralmente la decorazione della volta fu probabilmente dovuta ai gravi problemi di natura statica che interessarono la Sistina fin dai primi anni del suo pontificato (1503-1513).
Essi dovettero essere la conseguenza degli scavi eseguiti sia a nord che a sud dell’edificio per la costruzione della Torre Borgia e del nuovo San Pietro.
Dopo che nel maggio del 1504, una lunga crepa si aprì nella volta, fu incaricato Bramante, allora architetto di Palazzo, di porvi rimedio, il quale mise in opera alcune catene nel locale soprastante la Cappella.

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Oksana Yambykh, 1966 | Surrealist painter

Oksana Yambykh / Оксана Ямбых is a French painter🎨 of Ukrainian origin, born in Poltava.
After her art studies in Ukraine, Oksana came to France at the age of 26.
She joined at first Art’partage, then the Figuration Critique in 2005. She joined the Narro group in 2007, her career went international and she today she shows her work regularly in Paris and in Europe.

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15th-16th century Artists | Sitemap

List of 15th-16th century Artists, artistic movements definition