
The Garmash | Romantic Impressionist | Part. 4


Mikhail (Michael) Garmash (1969 Lugansk, Ukraine) ed Inessa Garmash (1972 Lipetsk, Russia) are two award winning Russian painters, known for working in the Romantic /Impressionist /Figurative style.

For biographical notes -in english and italian- and other works by Garmashs' see:


Pakayla Biehn, 1986 | Surrealist painter


Pakayla Rae Biehn is a young and talented artist born and raised in California. She uses oil and acrylic to create incredible paintings that look like pictures.
Her talent is definitely polyhedric expressed with several techniques and approaches, from painting to installation to design.



Ilham Mirzayev, 1965 | Abstract painter


Ilham Mirzayev Maharram was born in Nakhchivan, the Azerbaijan Republic.
  • 1980 - 1984 Studied at the State Arts School named Azim Azimzadeh.
  • 1984 - 1986 Served in the Soviet Army.
  • 1986 - Began creative work - painting.
  • 1989 - Member of the Artists’ Union of USSR / youth group.
  • 1991 - Member of the Artists’ Union of USSR / after disintegration of USSR in 1991 - Member of the Artists’ Union of Azerbaijan.
  • 1992 - Production Designer of Turkish playwright A. Nelsin "The letter from Takhtali village" / Nakhchivan State Drama Theatre.


Romona Youngquist, 1960 | Plein air painter


"My lifestyle hasn’t changed much since early childhood. I live on a little farm with my family in the middle of Oregon wine country; I still hang out in the woods with the dogs and my own kids; and I still collect a wide range of critters. When I’m not painting outside, I paint in my studio in order to keep an eye on my kids and pets, while listening to my favorite Bach, Handel and Mozart" - Romona Youngquist.



Zhang Jing Sheng 张京生, 1940 | Plein air /Palette knife painter



Zhang Jing Sheng 张京生 is a professor and tutor for graduate students at the Tianjin Fine Arts Academy. He received State Allowance.
In 1967, he graduated from the Oil Painting Department of Central Fine Arts Academy. He won the silver prize at 'The Chine Fine Arts Exhibition'.
Between 1989 and 1990 he went to America to visit scholars and hold an exhibition, at the request of the Tao Sen University.