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Mark Lague, 1964 | Cityscape painter

Mark Lague has developed an international reputation and has won numerous awards, both in his native Canada and in the United States.
A dedicated painter, Mark Lague was born in Lachine Quebec in 1964 and he has had a fascination with drawing since childhood, a skill he practices constantly, even to this day. Upon graduation from Montreal's Concordia University in Design, Mark embarked on a 13-year career in the animation industry, working primarily as a background designer and art director.

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Omar Ortiz, 1977 | Arte in dettagli

Omar Ortiz è nato a Guadalajara, Jalisco, Messico, dove vive tuttora. Fin da ragazzo si è interessato al disegno e all'illustrazione.
Ha studiato per una laurea in Graphic Design, dove ha appreso diverse tecniche come il disegno a mano, pastelli, carboncino, acquerelli, acrilici e aerografia.
Quando finì il college decise di guadagnarsi da vivere con la pittura.
Nel 2002 ha frequentato i suoi primi corsi di pittura ad olio con l'artista Carmen Alarcón, che considera la sua principale insegnante.
Omar Ortiz attualmente lavora con la pittura ad olio perché la considera la tecnica più nobile.

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Fidel Molina, 1971 | Figurative /Cityscape painter

Son of the painter Luis Molina, Fidel Molina (Madrid, July 3, 1971) graduated in the speciality of Design for the Faculty of Fine Arts at the Universidad Complutense of Madrid.
He combines his work as painter with that of designer and illustrator, being able to see their creations in both film and television and Internet advertising campaigns.
His paintings and illustrations have appeared numerous times in different publications.

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Kevin Mizner, 1962 | Plein Air painter

Kevin Mizner has been painting scenes of Maine for well over thirty years. His realist style has evolved into a synthesis of classical landscape techniques with the sensibility of impressionism.
Kevin takes advantage of the everyday beauty of Maine: The Lobstermen plying their trade along the coast, or the rolling fields, farms and woods of Maine's interior. In his Americana paintings, he evokes a sense of the working people of Maine's history. All are given a bold color-filled look that typifies Kevin's paintings.

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Michael Tolleson,1957 | Autistic Savant Artist

Michael Tolleson is an Autistic Savant Artist, who has no formal art training, but instead relies on the use of the huge amount of stored information that his Asperger’s mind has observed and retained.
During his art career of only 4 years of painting, he has painted more than 600 paintings, and each painting is usually completed in less than one hour of painting time regardless of size.
He states that he feels trance-like during the actual act of painting, and is reluctant to take credit for the finished work as he feels the autism is actually the artist.