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Debra Houston | Abstract Palette Knife painter

Debra J. Houston - Inspired by the simplicity of every day scenes, I work to bring those items to their extreme through an expression of dramatic color and exaggerated light. Living in the Pacific Northwest, I’m surrounded by natural beauty but the depiction of landscapes and street scenes comes from an interpreted existence rather that precise physical locations.
When beginning a painting, I allow the paint and colors to move me. I don’t typically have a carefully mapped out plan for each piece, but rather just an idea or focal point that develops throughout the creation. An emotional interest is the true goal in my work. Creating a mood, reflection, wonder…. something which allows you to escape each and every time you take it in.

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Pablo Picasso: "Datemi un museo e ve lo riempirò"!

"Datemi un museo e ve lo riempirò".
"Perché in casa mia non ci sono appesi miei dipinti? È perché non posso permettermeli".

"Il peggior nemico della creatività è il buon gusto".
"A quattro anni dipingevo come Raffaello, poi ho impiegato una vita per imparare a dipingere come un bambino".

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Johann Berthelsen | Impressionist Cityscape painter

Johann Henrik Carl Berthelsen (July 25, 1883 - April 3, 1972) was a prominent and prolific American Impressionist painter, as well as having a career as a professional singer and voice teacher. Essentially self-taught as an artist, he is best known for his poetic paintings of New York City, often in snow.
Johann Henrik Carl Berthelsen was born in Copenhagen, Denmark. He was the seventh of seven sons born to Conrad and Dorothea Karen Berthelsen. His father was a tenor with the Royal Opera and his mother was a nurse. Following the divorce of the parents, in 1890 his mother brought the children to America, joining her sister in Manistee, Michigan. Soon they settled in Manitowoc, Wisconsin.

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Lorraine Lewitzka, 1952 | Figurative Watercolour painter

Lorraine Lewitzka was born in South Australia, into a family of artists and worked as a fashion and illustrative artist in the late '60's, beginning watercolour painting in 1985. In 1988, Lorraine was accepted as a Fellow of the Royal South Australian Society of Arts and began exhibiting in private and mixed exhibitions.
A significant highlight and turning point of Lorraine's career was the inaugural study award at the Victor Harbor Rotary Art Show. As a result, she was tutored by four distinguished watercolourists in the U.S.A. being Robert Wade, Betty Lou Schlemm, Christopher Schink and Alex Powers, after which she attended a summer school at the Slade School of Art, London, discovering the new medium of oils in life painting.

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Katya Gridneva, 1965 | Figurative painter

Katya Gridneva is an Ukrainian painter.
As a child she loved to draw and paint, but this talent was set aside when she was selected to be a gymnast at one of Russia’s prestigious Sports Schools.
This career came to an abrupt end when she was injured in a fall from the bar.
Her significant artistic talent was recognised by her acceptance in 1993 to the Academy of Fine Arts in St Petersburg, also known as the Repin Institute.