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Alexandre-Louis Jacob | Landscape painter

French artist Alexandre Louis Jacob (1876-1972) was born in Paris in 1876. His landscape paintings are characterized by a serene mood and muted palette.
Jacob started exhibiting his works in the various French Salons in 1899.
He was a member of the Society of French Artists, the French Water Color Federation of Artists, and the Society of French Landscape Painters and Sculptors.
He was also a member of the Salon d’Hiver and an honorable member of Lagny. He was an officer of L’Instruction Publique as well.

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Leonardo da Vinci | Della Pittura e della Poesia

Trattato della Pittura
Parte prima | Capitolo 40

Per fingere le parole la poesia supera la pittura, e per fingere fatti la pittura supera la poesia, e quella proporzione ch'è dai fatti alle parole, tal è dalla pittura ad essa poesia, perché i fatti sono subietto dell'occhio, e le parole subietto dell'orecchio, e cosí i sensi hanno la medesima proporzione infra loro, quale hanno i loro obietti infra se medesimi, e per questo giudico la pittura essere superiore alla poesia.

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Ben Heine, 1983 | Illustrator and photographer

Ben Heine is an illustrator, portraitist, caricaturist and photographer.
Ben Heine is a Belgian visual artist, journalist and music composer born in 1983 in Abidjan, Ivory Coast, currently living and working in Brussels, Belgium. He is best known for his original series “Pencil Vs Camera“, “Digital Circlism” and “Flesh and Acrylic“.
He has a Master degree in Journalism completed at IHECS school of Journalism in Brussels. He also briefly studied History of Art, Painting and Sculpture at Hastings College of Arts and Technology in the UK.
He is a self-taught person in drawing, photography and music. He also has over 10 years of work experience in communication and marketing. Throughout his academic training, he was also able to learn several music instruments (drums and piano) and several languages (French, English, Dutch Polish, Spanish and Russian).
His artworks were exhibited in countless fairs and galleries in Belgium, Hong Kong, South Korea, the UK, Russia, Romania, The Netherlands, Italy, Germany, France, Canada, the US, Turkey, Brazil, and Spain.

Ben Heine 1983 | Belgian illustrator and photographer

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Simon Bull, 1958 | Abstract painter

Simon Bull is an English-born artist now living in America.
  • Early years and education
Simon Bull was born in Bedfordshire, England. The second of four children. His father, Ian Bull served as an officer in the Royal Army Chaplains’ Department of the British Army. Ian’s extensive military postings stationed the family around the world in Guyana, Hong Kong, Germany, and Northern Ireland. Simon went to boarding school in Yorkshire, attending Ripon Cathedral Choir School from 1965-69 and in Surrey, at the Royal Russell School from 1969-1976. In 1976 he took a one year Foundation course at Gloucestershire College of Art and Design and went on to graduate in 1980 from Leeds Polytechnic with a BA (Hons) degree in Fine Art.

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Fernando Pedrosa, 1947 | Hyperrealist Figurative painter

Fernando Saenz Pedrosa was born in Palencia, Spain. At a young age his talent as a draftsman became very evident - so evident, that in1965, at the age of 18, he was enrolled in the prestigious Architectural School of Madrid. From 1965-1970, Pedrosa’s study as a draftsman and painter became more prolic. From his studies at the architecture school, he was able to mature his skill in drawing and combine that with painting. Painting became Pedrosa’s manner in which to bring his drawingsto life and he was so astounded by the art of painting that after five yearsof study, he decided to dedicate his career and life to it.