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Ng Woon Lam / 黄运南, 1971 | Watercolour painter

Singaporean painter Ng Woon Lam /黄运南 was once an engineer with Bachelor degree from NTU and Master in Science from NUS. He neverthelss decides to take up the challange of becoming a full time artist to accomplish his passion.
He is now a signature member of National Watercolor Society (NWS) of US.
His works have numerous national and international awards and been featured in leading art publications e.g. The Artist's Magazine, Splash and Watercolor Magic. His paintings were selected into The American Watercolor Society's International Juried Show and The Oil Painters of America. His most recent article, 'seeing with fresh eyes' is published in International Artist, April 2007.

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Andrea Mantegna | La Camera degli Sposi, 1465-1474 | Art in Detail

The Camera degli Sposi ("Bridal chamber"), sometimes known as the Camera picta ("painted chamber"), is a room frescoed with illusionistic paintings by Andrea Mantegna in the Ducal Palace, Mantua, Italy. It was painted between 1465 and 1474 and commissioned by Ludovico III Gonzaga, and is notable for the use of trompe l'oeil details and its di sotto in sù ceiling.
The chronological sequence of the paintings has been recently discovered: the painter started from the vault by dry painting in the background small bits particularly those of the oculus and the wreath surrounding it.

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Edgar Degas | La scoperta realista

Nella primavera del 1859, Degas fece ritorno a Parigi, stavolta carico di ambizione e di fiducia nelle proprie capacità e nell'avvenire: anche una volta divenuto adulto, in effetti, il pittore avrebbe ricordato il periodo italiano con grande nostalgia, come uno dei migliori della sua vita.
In Francia, in ogni caso, Degas ebbe agio di conciliare l'immenso bagaglio museale acquisito in Italia con una visione dinamica della vita contemporanea, ricca di vivacità e di freschezza. Su questa linea nacque una serie di quadri a sfondo storico, talora anche di formato grande.
Il quadro più significativo di questo periodo è certamente Giovani spartane, alla cui trattazione rimandiamo nella pagina apposita, anche se Degas scelse nel 1865 di debuttare al Manet, esposta presso lo stesso Salon con un altro dipinto, Scene di guerra nel Medioevo (anche noto come Le sventure della città di Orléans).

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Salvador Dali | Surrealist Newton, 1977

This sculpture was born of Salvador Dalí's respect for Sir Isaac Newton and his discovery of the law of gravity, represented by the famed falling apple. Dalí has pierced the figure with two large spaces: one which portrays the absence of Newton's unique physical body, while the other space clearly displays the lack of his singular mind. 

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Ugo Attardi | Abstract Expressionism painter /sculptor

Ugo Attardi (1923-2006), one of the most versatile Italian artists, died the morning of July 21 at the age of 83 in Rome.
Attardi´s fame crossed borders as a well known painter, sculptor and writer.
Ugo Attardi was born in Genoa and grew up in Palermo.