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Barbara J. Wachter | Abstract Figurative painter

Barbara J. Wachter expresses not only what she sees, but what she senses. That invisible quality takes her art to a level that really connects to the viewer. You can sense the emotion, beauty, even the weather in her paintings. An exciting new addition to her talents, encaustic painting, will also be on exhibit.
Art as defined by Webster is the human ability to make things: Creativity of man as distinguished from the world of nature.
Therefore, artwork being the personal work of the artist is as much invisible as it is apparent to the viewer’s eye, e.g. figurative works show the figure looking somewhere in the distance to those sights unseen.

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Leonardo da Vinci | Come la Scultura è di minore ingegno che la Pittura..

Trattato della Pittura
Parte prima | Capitolo 34

Adoperandomi io non meno in scultura che in pittura, ed esercitando l'una e l'altra in un medesimo grado, mi pare con picciola imputazione poterne dare sentenza, quale sia di maggiore ingegno, difficoltà e perfezione l'una che l'altra.
Prima la scultura è sottoposta a certi lumi, cioè di sopra, e la pittura porta per tutto seco e lume e ombra.
E lume e ombra è la importanza adunque della scultura; lo scultore in questo caso è aiutato dalla natura del rilievo, ch'ella genera per sé; e il pittore per accidentale arte lo fa ne' luoghi dove ragionevolmente lo farebbe la natura; lo scultore non si può diversificare nelle varie nature de' colori delle cose; la pittura non manca in parte alcuna.

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Ming Feng, 1957 | Impressionist painter

Award winning Artist Ming Feng was born in Guangzhou, China. He was admitted to the Guangzhou municipal Teenage Art School and graduated from the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts in 1986.
There, he studied artistic theories and Chinese and Western art philosophy. Before arriving in the United States, Ming achieved prominence as an acclaimed artist in his native China. First, he worked as a stage designer with the Modern Drama Troupe of Guangzhou.
Later, he worked for the Guangzhou Art Design company where he created layouts, advertisement designs, product placards, and book illustrations.
In 1984 he became a member of the prestigious Chinese Artist Association, the nation’s top professional artist organization. His paintings are kept in a permanent collection in the Guangzhou Fine Art Museum.

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Barbara Flowers | En plein air /Figurative painter

Barbara Flowers is an international artist who lived most of her life in a small village near the Rhine Valley in Germany. A deep desire to create art began at a young age. Barbara’s parents encouraged her artistic growth with private art lessons and visits to Europe’s museums to see the collections of masterpieces.
She was educated in foreign languages and had a successful career as a foreign language correspondent.
Ultimately, Barbara’s passion to create art became so strong that she closed the door on her career and opened a new door to the world of art. She has never regretted making that decision. Every day Barbara looks forward to creating art that will convey the same sense of beauty to the viewer that inspired the artist.

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Eyvind Earle | Conceptual Illustrator

Born in New York in 1916, Eyvind Earle began his prolific career at the age of ten when his father, Ferdinand Earle, gave him a challenging choice: read 50 pages of a book or paint a picture every day. Earle choose both.
From the time of his first one-man showing in France when he was 14, Earle’s fame had grown steadily.
At the age of 21, Earle bicycled across country from Hollywood to New York, paying his way by painting 42 watercolors. In 1937, he opened at the Charles Morgan Galleries, his first of many one-man shows in New York.