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Alexander Shandor, 1981 | En plein air / Still life painter

Александр Шандор was born in Ukraine, city Vinogradov, Transcarpathian region.
He studied at the Uzhgorod College of Arts named after Erdeli for metal processing department.
During his studies he studied with teachers - V. V. Petretsky, O. B. Lukach, M. Mihaylyuk.
Member of many Ukrainian and international exhibitions and plein air.
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Дмитрий Кустанович /Dmitry Kustanovich, 1970

Dmitry Kustanovich /Дмитрий Кустанович is a Belarusian -born artist that currently resides in Saint-Petersburg, Russia.
The technique has elements of the impressionism, expressionism, primitive art, conceptual art.
For biographical notes -in english and italian- and other works by Kustanovich see Dmitry Kustanovich, 1970 | Impressionist Palette Knife painter.

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Sir John Lavery R.A. | The Glasgow School of Art

One of Ireland’s leading society portraits painters of the last century, Belfast-born Sir John Lavery R.A. (1856-1941)* was orphaned as a child and sent to school in Scotland, later attending the Glasgow School of Art. Following a commission to paint Queen Victoria’s visit to the Glasgow International Exhibition in 1888, he then moved to London as a highly successful society painter. Following the beginnings of the War of Independence, he and his wife became close friends of the Irish delegates to the Treaty talks in London, entertaining Michael Collins and his co-signatories during 1921.

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Francesco Di Marino | Impressionist Street Scene painter

Francesco Di Marino (Napoli, 1892-1954), è stato un pittore Italiano di scene di genere, di vedute animate e di paesaggi costieri. 

Allievo di Cammarano e poi di Dalbono, Francesco Di Marino seguì fedelmente la tradizione del buon dipingere all’aria aperta, nella scia della concezione paesistica instaurata a Napoli dalla Scuola di Posillipo.  Così operando venne ad affiancarsi, oltre che ai suoi diretti maestri, a Casciaro, a Pratella, a Scoppetta, e poi a Galante, a De Corsi, a Villani, a Viti, affinando gradualmente i propri mezzi espressivi e giungendo a caratterizzare il suo lavoro per l’immediatezza della percezione, la genuinità del sentimento, la sicurezza esecutiva. Di Marino riusciva a trasferire sulla tela gli aspetti fugaci della natura e del paesaggio con una freschezza di sensazione e con un tocco morbido eppur corposo, che non fu di molti pittori.

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Mathurin Janssaud | Genre painter

Mathurin Janssaud (1857-1940) was born in Manosque, Provence. Like many other painters, he lived and painted in Paris. But the reputation of Concarneau draws and before the First World War, he dropped his native Provence for changing skies of Brittany, which became his only source of inspiration. A Concarneau, it is the local color they are looking for.
What matters, and indeed for the artist in search of picturesque, genre scenes, characters typed, that the port of Cornwall! Everything is to do everything is to be painted. The sea, the sun at sunset, stormy skies, sails and men to the penalty or rest, women dressed busiest market, this whole life teeming offered to his eyes.