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Maja Wronska, 1989 | Watercolor Cityscapes painter

Polish watercolor artist Maja Wronska is an architect and freelance illustrator. Graduate of Warsaw University of Technology, Architecture faculty. Wronska continues to paint explosively colorful depictions of European architecture, most recently in Poznań, Poland.
She first renders each piece as a detailed drawing and then adds layers of watercolor, an unpredictable medium that can be difficult to control, making her paintings all the more incredible.

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Krzysztof Ludwin, 1962 | Architectural watercolour painter

Kristof Ludwin /Krzysztof Ludwin was born in Krakow. In the years between 1981-1987 he studied at the Faculty of Architecture at the University of Technology in Krakow and from 1987-1988 at the Faculty of Industrial Design at the Academy of Fine Arts.
For 11 years he lectured at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Technology in Krakow in the Department of Drawing, Painting and Sculpture.

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Constantin Kluge | Parisian street scenes

Constantin Kluge /Константин Константинович Клуге (1912-2003) was an French award winning painter originally from Russia. Raised mostly in Manchuria and Beijing, Kluge eventually settled in Paris and became a French citizen.
He is known for his French landscapes and romantic scenes of Paris.
Constantin Kluge was born on January 29, 1912 in Riga, then a large industrial port city in the Russian Empire. Kluge was born into a family of means and some status.
His paternal grandfather had spent years in France studying the cultivation of vines and wine making. Returning to Russia he developed a successful winery. Kluge's father, also Constantin, was a member of the Russian Army General Staff and a White Army sympathizer.

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Alfred Mira | Cityscape painter

Italian-born American painter Alfred S. Mira (1900-1980) and his realistic, gritty, intimate Greenwich Village street scenes should be better known. Born in 1900 in Sicily, Italy to a carpenter father, he left school and began working for an interior decorator, dreaming of going to art school but without the 50 cents a day it cost to attend.
He did make a career out of painting though; he listed his address as East 8th Street and his occupation as painter in the 1940 census. And he sold his work at the Washington Square outdoor art exhibit, a heralded event decades ago.

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Gino Piccioni (1873-1941)

Gino Piccioni [Foligno (Perugia) 1873 - Biella (Vercelli) 1941] è stato un pittore e scultore Italiano.
Poco nota l’attività di questo pittore che, dopo avere ricevuto la propria formazione a Roma, sotto la guida di A. Vertunni e R. Franzi, soggiornò a lungo in Germania. Dai cataloghi delle esposizioni si desume che dovette concentrare la sua produzione nell'arco di un quindicennio (1899-1912), misurandosi per lo più con temi di paesaggio, non estranei a toni di compiaciuto sentimentalismo.