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Fedosenko Roman, 1970 ~ Figurative / Impressionist painter

Роман Федосенко was born in 1970.
Lives and works in Minsk, Belarus.
A lot of traveling and actively exhibit their work.
Participates in various art projects.
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Françoise Nielly, 1960 | Palette Knife painter

Françoise Nielly is a French knife-painter who is famous for painting vibrant and colourful closeup portraits of people such as Barack Obama. She was born in Marseille, brought up near Cannes and Saint-Tropez and is now living in Paris.
Francoise Nielly lives in a world of images.
She has explored the different facets of "image" all her life, through painting, photography, roughs, illustrations and virtual, computer generated animated graphics. It is clear now that painting is her direction and her passion.

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Jin Hongjun, 1937 ~ Traditional Chinese painter

Mr. Jin Hongjun / 靳洪軍 was born in 1937 and is a native of Beijing. His family are descendants of the Emperors of the Qing Dynasty. He studied Chinese painting with many well-known artists such as Li Kuchan and Li Keran in the Chinese Painting Department, Central Art College of China. As a professional artist at the Beijing Painting Institute, Professor Jin particularly specialized in fine brushwork. His paintings have been collected by the China National Art Museum and by the Chinese government and many important organizations. One of them was elected into the 13th Exhibition of SECO of the U.N. Jin Hongjun also was invited to visit India and to teach in Japan plus to participate in art exhibitions of his works in the U.S., Singapore, Korea, Canada, Thailand and other countries.
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Alexei Khlebnikov / Алексей Хлебников ~ Still Life of Flowers painter

Alexei Khlebnikov / Алексей Хлебников is a painter from Saint-Petersburg, Russia. Has received an academic art education.
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Gabriel García Márquez | La marionetta / The Puppet Poem

Lo scrittore premio Nobel colombiano Gabriel Garcia Marquez è morto ieri, il 17 aprile 2014, a Città del Messico dove viveva.

L'autore di 'Cent'anni di solitudine' aveva compiuto 87 anni il 6 marzo scorso.
Era stato insignito del Nobel per la letteratura nel 1982.
Il presidente della Colombia Juan Manuel Santos ha scritto in un tweet: "mille anni di solitudine e tristezza per la morte del piu' grande dei colombiani di tutti i tempi. Solidarietà e condoglianze a Gabo e la famiglia". |ANSA